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After the meeting with Jack ended, New didn't go home immediately. He stayed inside his car and cried more.

He heard his phone ring and when he saw the caller id, he immediately tried to calm down. After a few seconds of getting his breathing stable, he answered.

"Hello, Te?"

"Hin! God, I have some great news! When I was told about it I called you immediately!"

"Really? What is it?"


New can hear the excitement in Tay's voice and he bit his lower lip hard to prevent himself from crying.

"Wow, that's good, Te! And why do you think I won't believe it?! You are a really great actor! All the years of hard work are now paying off!" New tried hard to sound enthusiastic.

"Yes, Hin, and know that I wouldn't have done it without you. You inspire me so much. I can't wait to get home to celebrate with you! I mean, I haven't won yet but I can still celebrate, right?"

New's tears are now pooling in his eyes but he didn't let Tay hear his sobs. "Of course! Being nominated is already a huge win. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Hin. I still can't believe it,"

"Believe it, Tay. You deserve it. What do you want me to cook later?"

"A simple dinner would suffice, Hin. I don't want you to tire yourself out. That's my job," Tay flirted.

Given any day, New would have a rebuttal on that remark. But not today.

 "Uhmm, Te? Can you ask them to give you a free time this weekend? Let's celebrate our anniversary in Phuket. I've always wanted to visit Sri Panwa."

"Oh, that luxury hotel you told me about? Okay okay. I'm pretty sure I can convince P'Yui. I know you need a get-away, too. Plus we have another thing to celebrate now!"

"Okay. Thank you. I'll book our flight and hotel reservation later. Text me when you're bound home, okay? I love you, Te. So much."

"I love you, too Hin! Damn, I can't wait to see you! Okay okay, I'm hanging up now, they're calling me. Bye!"

When Tay hung up the call, New let go of his tears and every bit of feeling he's been holding back. He feels so overwhelmed with everything that has been going on.

Years of hard work are now paying off for Tay. He's even getting recognized internationally now. I don't want him to lose everything he has ever worked for just for me.


When he got home, New just sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling for a moment. The environment is silent but his thoughts are deafening. He knows what he has to do. He just doesn't know if he has the courage to do it.

He sat up straight and saw the framed picture of him and Tay, taken during one of their sudden out-of-town trips, displayed on the TV stand.

But I have to do it. To protect Tay.

He fished his phone from the right side pocket of his pants and texted Jack.

To: P'Jack - Manager

Phi, are we confirmed on Monday?

From: P'Jack - Manager

Yes, morning at 9 here in MMG Function Room A. I already told Mint. She's beyond thankful you're doing this.

To: P'Jack - Manager

I'm doing this to protect Tay, Phi. I want to be mad at her but what's done is done.

From: P'Jack - Manager

I understand. I also excused you from work already for the next few days until Sunday as you asked.  

To: P'Jack - Manager

Please just be discreet, Phi. I don't want Tay to know just yet. Also, can you talk to P'Yui to free Tay's sched from Friday to Monday? 

From: P'Jack - Manager

Don't worry. I will. Also, please tell him congratulations for me. I heard about his nomination.

To: P'Jack - Manager

Okay, Phi. Thank you.

From: P'Jack - Manager

New, I'm sorry that you have to do this. I really am. See you on Monday. 

Just when he thought he has no more tears to cry, New bawled his eyes out once again, letting out wails. He's so frustrated with how things turned out just because two people chose to love.

After he managed to calm down, he showered and got dressed in a simple white shirt and blue boxer shorts. He got his laptop from their bedroom, made his way to the living room, and set it on the coffee table while he sat on the floor.

He visited Sri Panwa's site and reserved them a suite with an ocean view. He smiled a little, thinking of the things they could do on their vacation. After that, he then proceeded to book their flights. Departure from Bangkok would be on Friday at 10 in the morning, same for the both of them. The departure date from Phuket would be Monday at 12 noon, for Tay. 


The delicious smell of Carbonara welcomed Tay together with the voice of New singing along the song You're So Beautiful by Krist Perawat Sangpotirat.

Tay approached New and sang along as well. New turned to him and gave him a glowing smile like he did not just cry a bucketful the whole day. 

New made sure that Tay won't notice any sadness in his eyes today, since he wants Tay to feel like this day is his to celebrate.

Tay kissed New and hugged him from behind and they just both sang. When the song ended, New spoke, "I just ordered us one box of pizza and a bucket of chicken, and I just added the pasta since we will be celebrating this weekend anyway."

Tay looked at his boyfriend with a playful smirk. "We can just skip dinner, you know?"

New shook his head. "Cannot be. I still want you to blow the candles on the cake later since we're celebrating."

"I can just blow you instead."

New elbowed his boyfriend on the stomach and the latter groaned.


They both laughed at their antics.

"Go shower now, Te. I'll be done in a few minutes."


When Tay went back to the dining area dressed in a navy blue shirt with no sleeves and grey boxers, New is already sitting down waiting for him. The table's already set and when he sat down, New lit up the two candles stuck on top of the cake. 

"Congratulations on getting nominated Te! Well-deserved." New leaned in and kissed Tay for a second.

"Thank you, Hin." 

Tay closed his eyes for a few seconds with his hands clasped on his chest and when he opened them, he blew the candles. He smiled at New endearingly. 

Both then started to dig in while Tay told New everything about his nomination.

New just looked at him with admiration, occasionally nodding and commenting.

I'll miss this, Te. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do. I just really wish you'd still be here when I come back.


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