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(🔞 This chapter contains explicit scenes. If you are under 18, please skip. Thank you.)

"Everything ready?" New asked as he observed Tay checking his bag.

"Yes, Hin." Tay answered as he fumbled through his carry-on duffel bag.


Tay looked up at his boyfriend, "Huh?"

"What are you looking for?"

"Uhmm...wait let me check our room." Tay ran towards their bedroom.

New smirked as he walked slowly to follow his boyfriend. He leaned on the doorframe while he watched Tay look for something frantically.


Without looking, Tay answered. "Weird. I was so sure I put it in my bag last night."

"Hmm. You're sure?"

"Yes, Hin! But then it's not there anymore!"

"As always, Tay Tawan. What would you do without me?" New shook his head.

"Huh?" Tay looked at him, confused.

"I told you last night to put it where?"

Tay thought for a while. "You told me to...oh wait! Not in my bag! You told me to put it in yours!" Tay ran towards New and hugged him. "I really wonder what I would do without you." He kissed him on the forehead. "Let's go." Tay smiled widely that made New's heart flutter. He held New's hand and led him out of the apartment.


When they got to Singapore. they were amazed by the interior of the Changi Airport. They didn't leave soon and instead roamed around the vicinity.

"Hin! Hin! Come here!" He pulled New to the sunflower garden at the rooftop of the airport. He made New stand in the middle and took a few steps away.

"Take a picture with me, Te!" New complained.

"After this, Hin! Let me just take a picture of you first." True to his word, right after he took his picture, he moved beside him and took a selfie together.

They had their lunch at the Newton Food Centre and strolled around Marina Bay in the afternoon, visiting Singapore's famous Merlion. When the night came, they watched the Light Show at Merlion Park. Tay looked at New as the latter looked so amazed by the show. New felt Tay's gaze so he looked back at him.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, silently asking Tay as to why was he looking at him.

Tay just smiled at him and shook his head.

They strolled a bit more before deciding to call it a day and headed to their hotel room.

As they laid on the bed, Tay and New faced each other.

"It's our fourth anniversary tomorrow, Hin."

"Hmm, is it not twelve a.m. yet?"

Tay reached for his phone and looked at the time. 12:04 am. He smiled as he put back his phone and kissed New on the forehead. "Happy anniversary, Hin."

"Happy anniversary, Te." New gave him a peck on the lips.

"It's been a hell of a year for us both, isn't it?"

"It was. Thank you for holding on, Te." New put his hand on Tay's cheek and caressed it. The latter held it still as he closed his eyes.

"I honestly thought I'd lose you in the way, Hin. But now I know. We're stronger than we thought, aren't we?" He opened his eyes and looked at New.

"Yes, we are."

Tay took New's hand to his mouth and kissed his palm. "I will always be grateful to have you in my life, Hin. Always."

New did not respond with words. Instead, he moved closer to Tay and kissed him. It was gentle at first until it escalated to hungry and lustful.

Tay dropped the kiss and moved on top of New. He removed his shirt then New's shirt. He dove in and kissed New in the jaw, down to his neck where he left several marks.


"God, Hin. You're body still makes wonders on me." Tay said as he trailed kisses from New's chest down to his abdomen. He went back to New's lips and kissed him, as he massaged the latter's cock.

New groaned as he was being pleasured both by Tay's tongue in his mouth and hand on his dick.

Tay moved southwards and removed New's shorts. He tossed it away and bent down, facing New's cock. He looked at him with a smirk as he kissed the tip and licked it.

"Shi..." New did not even finish the word as Tay suddenly took his dick inside his mouth. New gripped the bedsheet as Tay continued to bob his head, becoming faster and faster as New's moans get louder and louder.


A few bows more and New came inside Tay's mouth. As he was still panting, Tay stood up and took the packets of condoms and lube inside his traveling bag.

New looked at him and chuckled, "You always forget the important stuff but not that, huh?"

"These," Tay let down the packets, "will always be my top priority when we travel, Hin."

New rolled to his side as he laughed. Tay went on top of New again and kissed him. As they kissed, New suddenly pushed him to the other side of the bed and trapped Tay with his knees.

"My turn to do the work."

He kissed Tay again then went to Tay's adam's apple and sucked it. He marked him on his chest and continued trailing down kisses until he reached his stomach. He stopped and pulled Tay's shorts down. He gave him a handjob until his dick is fully erect. He put on a condom on it and poured a generous amount of lube on his hand and slathered Tay's dick with it.

"You sure I don't need to prep you?"

New just shook and his head and dove in. He kissed Tay as he positioned his hole on Tay's tip. Slowly, he sat on it and groaned as he was hurt. Tay held him on his hips and deepened the kiss to distract New.

Once it was fully in, New moved slowly until the pain became a pleasure. Once he fully adjusted, he fastened his pace. Tay gripped his hips as he kept on shouting "Hin".

A few more movements and New slowed down. "Te..."

Tay took over and thrust his dick into New vigorously, as the latter was on all fours on top of him.

"Te!" New shouted as he came on Tay's abdomen. A few more thrusts and Tay followed.

New put his forehead against Tay's as both of them were panting. Tay then switched their positions and took his dick out. New groaned by the sudden empty feeling in his hole.

"Round two?" Tay asked as he kissed New's nose.

"I might not be able to walk properly tomorrow."

"Then we don't have to go out so we'll have all day." Tay smiled as he kissed New.

"I love you, Tay," New said as he broke the kiss and looked straight at Tay's eyes.

"I love you, New."


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