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As Tay and New cuddled on the couch streaming a movie on Netflix, Tay's phone got bombarded with notifications.

"Check it, Te." New looked up at him.

"Might not be important. I'll check it later." Tay kissed the top of his head without tearing his eyes from the television. Less than a minute later, Tay's phone rang.

"Argh. What now??" Tay frustratedly reached for his phone.

"Hello, Phi?" Tay put the call on speaker.

"Tay. Have you checked Twitter yet?"  Yui sounded frantic.

Tay and New looked at each other. "Not yet, Phi. Why?"

"Check it now."

As soon as she hung up, Tay went to check the app. New reached out for his phone to check too.

"Fuck!" Tay cursed.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Lee!"

Tay showed New the viral video which was taken a while ago, wherein it showed how Lee belittled the staff and showered her with iced coffee.

As they both scrolled on the app, they saw the topics #BoycottLee and #ApologizeLee trending.

"Do you have any idea who could have taken this video and posted it?" New asked.

"I'm not sure but as I told you a while ago, I heard a few of the staff talking about him before. Maybe one of them did it."

New held Tay's right hand. "This could affect you, Te. I'm worried."

Tay looked at him and sighed. "I don't know, Hin. The show has been going great these days. Why did this have to happen?"

New can't help but blame himself. "I'm sorry, Te. I shouldn't have come. I must have triggered him. I'm sorry." Tay held his face and looked at him straight.

"Why are you saying sorry, Hin? None of this is your fault. It was Lee's actions. This is the consequence. Please don't blame yourself."

"But your career might get affected, Te."

"It won't, okay? My career does not just revolve around Lee, around this series. I will manage. I'll be fine." He kissed his boyfriend's forehead and lingered there for a few seconds.

"What do you think you'd have to do?"

"I don't know yet. I guess we'll have to talk about it tomorrow with the management. Would you mind if I call Lee? I know he was wrong but he might need someone right now."

New shook his head, "Go ahead." He stood up and was about to leave but Tay held his hand.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bedroom. Why?"

"You can stay. I'll just go to the balcony. It won't take long anyway." Tay smiled at him.

When Tay got to the balcony, Lee picked up.

"Hello, Lee?"

No response.


"Phi." Tay noticed how Lee's voice was strained.

"Where are you?"

"At home, Phi. I'm... I'm...-" Lee was not able to continue as he let out heavy sobs.

Tay waited for him to calm down before he spoke again, "Have you talked to P'Eed yet?"

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now