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When Lee got inside the apartment building, he sent a message to Tay.

To: P'Tay Tawan

Phi. I'm already here downstairs. What is your apartment number again?

A minute later, he received a reply.

From: P'Tay Tawan

Okay. Proceed to the apartment number 0302.

He put his phone in his pocket and went inside the elevator.

When he got to the apartment, he knocked three times. When the door opened, he was beaming as he greeted his Phi.

"Hi, P'Tay!" He said while he was waiving his right hand.

"Oh, hi, Lee. Come in. I still have to shower so you can just wait for me in the living room."

Once he was in, he went straight to the living room and sat down.

"I'll leave you then. I'll finish quickly. Twenty minutes tops." Tay then rushed to the bathroom, leaving Lee seated on the couch.

Once he was gone, Lee stood up and looked around. He looked for New's traces in the apartment.

Lee has always known about Tay and New. Not the relationship per se, but he knows something romantically is going on between them - the way how Tay acted whenever New was around, his smiles, his laughter, and the way he blushed when New whispers something in his ear. Thinking about it makes him mad at New more.

If only I've gotten that role, I should've been the one he's in love with right now and not you.

However, when Tay told him he's not dating anybody, that gave him hope. He thought, it's either whatever Tay and New have is not official, or it is a one-sided love on the part of Tay.

Yet when he saw that message from New in Tay's phone, he confirmed that they are indeed in a relationship. He could step back, but Newwiee being in a predicament right now, he sees a chance.

He's not with P'Tay every time. Might as well make my move.

As he looked around, he noticed the lack of the couple's traces in the living room - no couple photos nor any couple things.

I wonder if they were hidden because I was coming, or they were hidden because he's not here.

Either way, Lee was satisfied.

He went to the kitchen and saw the apron hanging on the wall. There's an embroidered polar bear and orca whale on the upper left part. He flicked his fingers on the polar bear.

I'll remove you one day, New.

"Hey, Lee? What are you doing?"

Lee spun around and saw Tay standing a few feet away from him, holding a towel on his head wearing a black button-down long sleeves polo paired with white pants.

"Oh, nothing, Phi. I got thirsty so I was about to get water. But then I saw this apron." He pointed his finger on it. "It's pink and cute. I didn't know you have a thing for pink, Phi." Lee smiled teasingly.

"Oh," Tay reddened. I forgot to hide that. "Uhmm, yeah. I saw it and I kind of liked it so I bought it. Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I'm good now. We can go."

Lee nodded. "Okay, Phi. Let me just get my things at the coffee table."

As he walked towards the table, he thought of anything he can leave behind to have a reason to come back. Suddenly, he low-key fished the handkerchief from his pocket and threw it under the table.

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