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Five minutes before the agreed time, Tay arrived at the conference room where the meeting will be held. When he got there, the director was already inside.

"Hello, K'Aof," Tay greeted him and gave respect before sitting down. "P'Yui just went to the comfort room. She'll be following shortly."

"It's okay. So, are you excited?"

Tay smiled, "Yes, Phi. I actually read through the script of Dark Blue Temptation again this morning and I involved myself with the protagonist's character. I like the way how Peter's character evolved from being this closeted bisexual who cares about the opinion of pretty much everybody, trying hard to suppress his feelings for Kai, to finally embracing his sexuality and be like, 'fuck it. I love Kai and I'll fight the whole world for it'. I want to be able to influence people with my character and perhaps change a lot of minds who are discriminative towards the members of the LGBTQ+ community."

Aof felt proud with what he heard, "I'm happy I picked you for this role. You're not just an award-winning actor, but you're a good influence as well. Keep that up, Tawan."

Just then, the door opened and three people entered - two women and one man.

Aof and Tay stood up and gave respect, and the three people also did.

"Tay, this is Khun Eed and Thanat Loekhunnasombat," Aof said.

The man shook Tay's hands and with a wide smile he said, "You can just call me Lee, Phi."

"Hello, Lee. Nice to meet you."

After the brief greetings, Aof asked everyone to sit down. Aof sat at the head of the table with Tay on his right and Lee on his left. Beside Lee is Eed, his manager, while Yui sits beside Tay.

"So Tay, this is Lee and he will be playing the role of Kai. I picked him because he's a well-known actor in the BL industry and well, you deserve the best to act with you."

Lee got shy with the compliment, "I still have a lot to learn, K'Aof. I don't think I deserve to be called the best."

"Seriously, Lee, just accept the compliment, will you?" K'Aof said.

Lee chuckled and gave Aof respect, "Thank you, Khun."

Tay just observed Lee while the exchange happened. Cute, he thought.

"Anyway, I wrote DBT because I got inspired by one of my friends' story. Yes, guys, it is based on real life. Of course, I just added artistic flavors on it to make it more interesting and more relatable. Anyway," Aof looked directly at Lee, "So Lee, what do you think about Kai's character?"

"When I read through the script, Khun, I fell in love with Kai's character. I understood him very well. Of course, being raised in a conservative and homophobic environment, he would tend to be the same. Good thing he met Peter and changed his views. I understood his struggles, too - how he fought himself hard to shoo away his feelings towards Peter, but the heart wants it wants. I can't wait to act the scene where he confronted his mother and stood up for his love. Too much emotion on that scene and I can't wait to show them all. I also liked how you ended the story without Kai and his parents making up. I mean, honestly, not all parents are accepting of their homosexual children but that doesn't mean they cannot have a happy ending. When you love, you just love. You don't need other's approval. I'm accepting the role, Phi."

Aof looked at Lee and then at Tay. "I'm glad. I'm really glad that I offered you this role and I'm happier with the fact that both of you accepted. Thank you for appreciating my work, guys. Don't worry, we'll help each other out to bring the best out of this series."

About thirty minutes after, the meeting ended. Aof was the first to go out but Yui followed him. Eed asked Lee that she'll go first since she still needs to pass by the comfort room. When Tay was already on the door and about to leave, Lee called him. "P'Tay!"

"Yes, Lee?"

Lee approached him and they both went out of the room. As they walked, Lee talked to Tay. "Uhmm, congratulations, Phi. You just won an international award, right? Wow! I wish I can win something as huge as that, soon."

"You will too, Lee. Actually, you deserve a congratulations, too. I heard your last movie was a box-office hit in multiple asian countries? That's big."

"Oh." Lee blushed and held his nape. "You heard about that? So you know me already?"

"I've always known you. I mean, we never really got to interact with each other, but I pretty much know all the artists of this company." Tay smiled at him.

"I'm glad you accepted the role, Phi. I've always wanted to act with you."

"Oh really? Why? I mean, thank you, but why?"

"Oh, uhh, hmmm," Lee stuttered as he responded, "well, I know you're a great actor, Phi! I mean, I've always heard based on what our colleagues say. Those who already worked with you, Phi? Yeah, they told me." Lee chuckled.

"Really? Wow I feel flattered that they talk highly of me."

"As they should. You're a nice person, too. I mean, I heard."

"Oh they say that, too?" Tay laughed, "who have you been talking to and why do you guys talk about me? I'm getting shy now."

Lee stopped on his track and got shocked by Tay's laughter. His eyes widened and his mouth agaped. He has always heard that laughter, but from afar. Hearing that from a close range, him being the reason nonetheless, made his heart skip a beat.

Tay noticed that Lee was no longer walking with him, so he turned around and looked at him. "Hey, are you okay?"

Lee was not able to respond for a moment but eventually gathered himself and spoke, "Oh yeah. Sorry about that, Phi. I just thought about something great."

"Care to share? Is that about the new series?"

Lee can't believe that Tay actually wants to know his thoughts. He felt giddy but tried not to show it. "Uhh, sure? Yeah. It's about the new series. I'm really excited to do it."

"Yeah, me too. It's my first BL, and as what I've heard a while ago, you're the best in this industry. So will you please make me your apprentice and guide me?"

Lee smiled wide, "It would be my honor, Phi. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to work with you."

Tay got confused by that statement but understood soon after, or so he thought he did. He chuckled and said, "They built me up that high, huh? Whoever you're talking to, don't believe him or her. I still have a lot to learn. I don't think I'm as good as they say I am."

But you are. Lee thought.

Tay then heard his phone ring. He took it out of his pocket and answered, "Yes, Phi? Yeah, okay. I'm in front of the elevator now. Okay, I'll just meet you there." He hung up the call and turned to Lee.

"Hey, I need to go to the parking lot now. My manager's already waiting for me. How about you? You have other scheduled engagements today?"

Just when Tay asked, the elevator opened. He stepped in as Lee answered. "I do, Phi. I'll be meeting P'Eed upstairs in her office first before we go."

"Okay. Goodbye Lee. I enjoyed talking to you." He waved goodbye as the elevator doors closed.

When they did, Lee held his chest and felt that his heart is beating loudly. "God, did he hear my heart beat this loud? I hope he didn't." He whispered to himself.

Lee smiled as be reminisced what just happened. I'll make this my best performance ever. For P'Tay.


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