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Dawn of the wedding and awarding day, none of New, Tay, and Mint slept peacefully.

Tay was already in his hotel room in Pasay, Philippines, while New and Mint are in separate hotel rooms in Bangkok Garden Studio where the wedding will be held.

Tay keeps turning on his bed as he can't get his head straight. He badly wants to forget about the ceremony that would happen back home, but he can't, because the image of New in his tux, waiting at the end of the aisle, haunts him. It is a beautiful image, yes, New looking like an angel in his white suit, but the thought that somebody else is going to stand there beside him scared him.

Should I have just gone to the wedding? Should I stop the wedding? Should I have just ran away with Hin?

Thoughts of doing a Speak Now moment flooded his mind.

But New chose to do this for a purpose. I might not understand it yet, but if he wants the wedding to not happen, he would've stopped it himself.

"I trust you, Hin. Do what you have to do," he whispered to himself.

Right now, that's all he could hold onto, his trust for New.

Back in Thailand, New has been pacing back and forth in his room for quite some time now while biting his nails. He can't seem to find sleep and no, he's not thinking about the wedding, but of tonight's event that's about to happen miles from Thailand, in the Philippines to be exact.

Will he win? Of course he will! He's a great actor. But what if he doesn't? God, I wish I could be there. He needs me now more than ever.

New suddenly sat on the bed and grabbed a handful of his hair with both of his hands. He's feeling all sorts of feelings right now - frustration, sadness, madness, nervousness.

Should I just ditch the reception and book a flight to the Philippines? But no, New! You can't possibly meet him right after the wedding! That would just be a slap on his face! What the fuck are you thinking?

New slapped himself but regretted it immediately as he was not able to restrain his strength. Maybe it's becuse of the pain from the slap or maybe because of missing Tay, but his tears suddenly escaped his eyes. He imagined what he and Tay would have been doing later as a celebration had he not been in this mess, how he could have been there at what could be one of the happiest moments of the latter's life, and not here, about to get married with someone he doesn't love.

"I'm sorry I can't be there, Te." New spoke through sobs.

Mint, on the other hand, just laid on her bed, thinking about the wedding. Gee has hurt her a lot, but if she's being honest to herself, she would rather see him at the end of the aisle than New. She knows she's being unfair to New by thinking about it since she's the one who put him in this situation, but she's still in love with the man who made her life a mess. She's at fault, too, but he made her believe that he would be there for her no matter what. But when the baby came, he's now nowhere to be found.

How messed up am I, huh? I forced a man to marry me, and I'm still in love with the man who hurt me.


It's six o'clock in the evening in the Philippines, which means it's five in Thailand.

Tay is fidgeting in his seat right now. The hosts now walked towards the center stage, and they started the program. He thinks they made a joke because the audience erupted into laughter but he didn't hear it, because his focus is displaced miles away from where he sits. The image of the wedding just won't get out of his head. He can clearly hear the wedding march, he can clearly see New looking at Mint while she walks down the aisle, he can hear them exchanging vows - that made him feel breathless so he suddenly stood up which startled the other people sharing his table. He excused himself and ran to the comfort room.

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