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Tay, together with Yui, got to the MMG building around nine in the morning. When they got in the conference room, almost all of the cast and crew are in. They are sitting around a huge oblong-shaped table, with Aof at the head of the table and Lee on his left. Tay gave respect first to everyone first before sitting down at the right side of the director.

"Okay, guys, today, let's read Scene 32. You guys ready?" Aof looked at Lee and then at Tay and they both nodded.

"Okay. The scene will take place in Kai's provincial house in Chiang Mai. Peter followed him there when the latter filed a leave. He has been indifferent towards him ever since the kiss between them happened. It was already afternoon, and Kai was about to head out to buy something he can cook for the night but he found Peter instead standing outside of his house."

"Peter? What are you doing here?" Lee read Kai's line.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" Tay read Peter's line.

"Huh? I live here, you idiot." Lee answered.

"Kai irritatedly looked at Peter and walked away. However, Peter followed after him. He held him by his wrist and made him look his way. As they looked at each other, the rain started to pour." Aof said.

"Why are you running away from me, Kai?" 

"Tay, at this point, you would have to shout since you will be fighting dominance against the sound of the rain and the audience needs to hear the desperation in your voice. You're desperate to reach out to Kai. You badly need to talk to him because you now know and understand your feelings towards him and for the first time, you felt brave. For the first time, you found someone you'd be willing to fight for." Aof looked at Tay while he talked to him, to make him understand the intensity of this scene. "And for you, Lee..."

Tay was not able to listen to what Aof was telling Lee since his mind wandered towards New. I found someone I'd be willing to fight for, but he won't let me.

"Okay Tay, start again." Aof distracted the other from his thoughts and he responded with a nod.

"Why are you running away from me, Kai?!" This time, Tay expressed the right emotions.

"I'm not running away! Why did you think I was running away?!" Lee answered back, feeling his lines.

"Then why did you avoid me after we kissed?!" When Tay said this, he was looking directly at Lee and the latter stared back.

Aof observed them for a few seconds before he read the script, "Kai was not able to respond as that's exactly the reason why he went to Chiang Mai. He doesn't want to talk about what happened and wants to forget it. He pulled his hand free from Peter and was about to run away but Peter hugged him from behind. He struggled but Peter won't let go."

"Why are you doing this to me, Peter? I can't do this." Lee started to tear up since in the script itself it was stated that he's having an internal battle with his real self.

"Please, Kai. I know you feel the same way I do, so why won't you give me a chance? Why are you so adamant in pushing me away?" At this point, Tay's voice sounded like he's desperately pleading.

The staff and crew all looked at both of them with awe. It is just a script reading, but everyone can feel the intensity of the scene already.

Lee looked at Tay and said, "That was a mistake, Peter. And no, I don't feel the same way towards you."

"What are you so afraid of, Kai? Don't deny it. I see how you look at me when I'm with you every day. I see how you're different towards me. And the way you kissed me? No. You can't say you don't feel the same way because I know you do. I know this seems all new to you but it is for me, too! But for the first time Kai, I want to be brave. For you! For us!-"

"But you can't save me from everyone Peter! Nobody does!" Lee interjected. "This? This thing between us? Not everybody will be able to accept it and we will never be happy!"

"Why do we need their acceptance, Kai?! Why do you think we need everyone's approval to be happy? I was happy when I was with you. What difference will the judgment of the world make?!" Tay delivered his lines as if he's feeling every word.

Aof watched the two intently that he forgot to read the narration part in the script, "Oh," he cleared his throat. "Sorry. Uhmm, Peter ran towards Kai and suddenly gave him a kiss under the rain. Both of them are feeling heavy now and crying. Lee, I mean Kai, hesitated for a second but eventually returned the kiss. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity before Peter pulled back."

"I love you, Kai. Please go home with me?" After he said that, Tay looked directly at Lee. Lee gulped as he stared up at Tay. He can't seem to take away his gaze from the man.

Aof shifted his eyes on the two of them and said while addressing the room, "We're still script reading, right?"

Tay shifted his eyes to Aof and laughed. Everyone in the room laughed, too, except Lee. He took the water bottle designated for him on the table and drank almost all of it. Once done, he excused himself and went to the nearest comfort room. He sat inside a cubicle and covered his face with his hands. 

"Fuck!" He said out loud. I'm fucked. I'm falling deeper, P'Tay.


After the script reading, Lee accompanied Tay to the parking lot. Both have become somewhat close already since they have been pretty much spending most of their time with each other, and they feel at ease at each other's company.

"Uhmm, Phi," Lee shyly said.

"Hmm? Yes, Lee?"

"I just wonder. You've been in the industry for so long but no dating news of yours has ever surfaced. Have you dated anybody? Are you dating anyone right now?" Lee tried not to sound enthusiastic.

Tay thought for a moment before answering. He looked at him and smiled, "No. I'm not dating anybody right now. Anyway, I have to go now. Take care, Lee. See you tomorrow."

He then waved Lee goodbye as he opened the door leading to the parking lot.

Lee smiled ear to ear when he heard Tay's answer. He turned around and jumped giddily. 

"YES!" he shouted. 

He was so happy that when P'Eed saw him, she asked why does he seem so happy. He just kissed P'Eed on the cheeks and said, "Mae, your son might get a lover soon."

He then entered the van with his manager and went on their way bound his place. 

During the travel, Tay's words kept on repeating in his mind. He can't help but smile. He put his earphones on and played happy love songs.

You'll be dating me soon, then. I'll make you fall in love with me, Phi. 

He spent the rest of the night devising a plan on how he would sweep Tay off his feet.


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