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While Mint and Luna visited the doctor, New was left alone at their house. 

New offered to drive them both, but Mint refused, saying that with his state at the moment, he badly needs a rest. Mint noticed how stressed New was these past few days and although they already agreed that he will drive them to the hospital since Luna's last appointment, she let him rest on this day since it was his day-off.

New laid on the bed, trying his best to sleep but his fight with Tay keeps bothering him. They have not reached out to each other yet since that night. It is not a matter of pride, but of fear. 

What if I talk to him and he decides to end things with me? Have I hurt him that much?

Unpleasant thoughts keep running on his mind that he decided to just do household chores just so he could keep himself distracted.

He started tidying up his room. After that, he proceeded to Mint's room and cleaned there, too. As he was vacuuming under the bed, he noticed a brown envelope addressed to Mint from the Philippines on top of the bedside drawer. He got tempted to open it but decided against it. I'll just ask her later.

New was already resting in the living room when Mint came back with Luna sleeping in her arms. After she fixed Luna in her crib, she joined New in the living room.

"You already did the laundry? I told you to rest, though." Mint sat down at the other end of the couch.

"I could not rest anyway so it's fine," New answered without looking at Mint as he was just staring ahead.

"Hmm." Mint took the remote beside her and turned on the television. As she scrolled through, she saw the movie Love, Rosie playing on one channel and she decided to stick with that.

"Uhmm, Mint," New decided to break the silence between them.

"Yeah?" Mint looked away from the television and looked at him.

"I was cleaning your room a while ago and I noticed the brown envelope addressed to you from the Philippines."

"Oh, that?" Mint muted the TV and looked at New, "that was a contract. I got an offer from one of the biggest cosmetics brands in the Philippines. They want to get me as a brand ambassador with a residency for two years. The offer was good, really."

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmmm, honestly? I'm planning to accept it. It would be nice to be away for a while after all that had happened. Plus, I would be able to ensure my daughter's safety if we're not here."

"You would be alone there taking care of Luna, though."

"I'm planning to bring my parents with me, so I won't be." Mint smiled sweetly at New.

New did not respond. He looked at her with worry which the other noticed. 

She held both New's shoulders and spoke, "I can't take you away from Tay for too long, New. We both need this. You have done so much for me and Luna already. So, let me return the favor. Plus, as I said, I'm doing this for Luna and me, too. We will be fine. Don't worry."

New moved closer to Mint and hugged her tight.

He didn't have to say anything because Mint understood every word that he was not able to utter.


New stood outside the building staring at the third floor. He's been standing there for almost an hour now but he just stood frozen. A few minutes more and he decided to move.

As he rode the elevator, his heart was pounding fast.

When he got in front of the apartment, he stayed still for a while.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now