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3 years later.

Tay was rushing down to the parking lot as he carried the toga robe on his arm. He and New almost forgot it that he had to go back to the apartment.

When he got there, he immediately went inside the car.

"Hin, let's go!"

They travelled together with New's parents. When they got to Chulalongkorn University, both of them got out of the car at the same time.

New was about to run inside but Tay called him. "Hin wait!"

New stopped and turned around. "I'm proud of you. Congratulations. I love you so much." Tay kissed him. "Now go!"

"I love you, Te. See you later!"

New waved as he ran towards the venue of the commencement.

After the ceremony, New called Tay. "Te, where are you?"

"I'm here outside, Hin. Just meet me here. I'm near this big oak tree."

"Okay. I'm coming."

When he got there, he immediately saw Tay with Gun, Off, Arm, Tay's parents and his own. Gun ran to him and hugged him. "Congratulations, Newwiee!!!" Off and Arm followed and joined the hug while Tay took a picture of the moment.

When they broke off the hug, Tay took another picture of them side by side. After that, Off spoke, "Now, you."


"Give me the camera. Take a picture with Newwiee." Tay complied and gave the camera to Off. He approached New and stood beside him.

"After lunch, I'll take you somewhere." He leaned sidewards to New.

"Where?" New looked at him all confused.

"1, 2, 3." Off counted as Tay just smiled and didn't answer.

After the celebratory lunch, Off took Tay aside, telling Newwiee that they'll just go pee. Once inside the comfort room, Off asked Tay, "How are you feeling?"

"Excited, Peng." Tay smiled widely.

"Well, I was like that, too."

"We're lucky to have found them, huh?"

"We are." Off patted Tay's shoulder and they both got out.

Off and Gun offered to drive Tay's parents home whereas Arm offered to drive home New's.

"It's okay! Tay and I can drop them off!" New told Arm but his mom insisted. "It's okay, son! It's not like Arm is a stranger to us. Go now with Tay!" New looked at Tay and the latter just shrugged.


New has been asking Tay non-stop where they were going. Tay just put the address in the navigation app and didn't tell New anything.

"But seriously, Te. Is this another celebration or something? You know all I want is to spend the night with you at home." New whined.

Tay laughed, "Just drive, Hin, okay? I promise you'll love this."

New gave him a sideglance but did not speak anymore.

After about one and a half hours of driving, they got to the location. They are already outside the city limits but not that far. There stood a beautiful two-story house with glass walls that mirror the outside and a front yard.

When New stopped the car, his heart was already pounding. Tay was the first one to get off the car and he opened New's door. "Let's go, Hin." He removed New's seatbelt and held his hand. He led him to the house and fished out the key on his right pocket.

When they got in, the house is not yet fully furnished, but New already fell in love with it. This feels like home.

"When did you buy this, Te?" New asked as he looked around.

"Two months ago. I've been looking for a new house for a while now. I clearly remembered you wanted a glass house so the agent found me this."

New moved to where Tay stood and hugged him. "I love it, Te. So much."

Tay hugged him back, "I'm glad you do. Want to see the bedroom?"

New nodded so Tay led him there.

When they got inside, New was surprised to see a bed, more so because it has petals of red roses on top of it. The room was filled with decorations of white balloons and strips of tape hanging from the ceiling with his and Tay's pictures attached on each of them.

New walked inside and looked around. He checked each photo he passed by until he reached the bed. That's when he noticed that in the midst of all the petals, a red velvet box sits.

New immediately turned around and looked at Tay. The latter took the box and knelt on his one knee in front of New.

"This is not another promise ring, is it?" New asked.

Tay just chuckled and shook his head. He opened the box and it showed two rings. He took one out and put down the box back on the bed. He took New's left hand and removed the promise ring.

He looked up at his lover and said, "Hin, it's been eight years since I got to know you, and seven since we've been together. We've been through ups and downs and almost lost each other along the way. But we fought all throughout until we come to this day." Tay teared up as he looked at New. "Hin, I love you so much and I've never loved anyone this much in my life. You became my rock, my pillar of support, my rest, and my happiness. You became my light in my darkest hours and my quiet in every storm that brewed inside me. When I asked you seven years ago to be my boyfriend and live with me, you said yes. Can you please say yes again as I ask you to be my husband and have a family with me?"

New was already sobbing hard that he just enthusiastically nodded his head. "Y...Yes, Te. Yes. Yes."

Tay put on the ring on his finger. He wiped his own tears as he stood up. He held New's face and leaned his forehead on his. "Thank you, Hin."

New bent down and got the other ring. He put it on Tay's finger and held his face.

"Te, you know how scared I was of the world. I was afraid of their judgment against people like us and that fear almost made me lose you. But every time I look at you, the world suddenly becomes silent. That's when I realized, 'this is it. This is my world right here.' You, Te. You have become my world. Thank you for making me feel loved every minute of every day. Thank you for making me feel that I am always enough for you. Thank you for waiting. Thank you for never leaving. Thank you for growing with me and for fighting my battles with me. I love you, Tay. More than you know. More than I can explain. More than words could ever express. I'll marry you multiple times in multiple lifetimes if I can. I love you."

"I love you, Hin, and I'll never get tired of making you feel that." He kissed him and hugged him tightly.

They felt each other's heartbeat in unison as they fit perfectly in each other's arms like a perfect match.

They felt each other's heartbeat in unison as they fit perfectly in each other's arms like a perfect match

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