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When New got to the house he now shares with Mint, the latter took notice of how defeated the former looked. He closed the door, eyes looked empty, and walked towards his room upstairs. Mint at the time was in the kitchen, holding a glass of water, and was about to approach New but the latter just passed by her and continued walking. She watched him until he disappeared into his room.

"I didn't even know you left," Mint whispered to herself. "I'm sorry, New, but let me be selfish for now. I just need you here. I'll return you to him once everything's settled."

The next morning, New woke up with the smell of pancakes. He smiled a bit. Tay woke up early to cook breakfast, huh? However, just as soon as he thought it, realization dawned on him. Tay is not here. He buried his face on the pillow and wept.

A few minutes later, Mint knocked on his door. "New, I made pancakes. Let's have breakfast."

"I'm not hungry, Mint. Just go ahead eat first. I'm fine." New croaked.

He's been crying again. Mint knows better than to push, so she just lets him be.


When Tay woke up, he instinctively looked at the other side of the bed and realized that New did not go home. He checked his phone, and no messages nor calls from New came, so he messaged Gun.

To: Gun Atthaphan

Hi, Gun. Sorry to disturb you this early in the morning. I just want to know if New reached you yet?

Not a minute later, he received a reply.

From: Gun Atthaphan

Sorry, Pet. Newwiee has not contacted me since yesterday. He's also not responding to my messages and calls. Do you need company today? Off and I can accompany you.

To: Gun Atthaphan

It's okay, Pet. Sorry to burden you but please call me as soon as you get a hold of New. Thank you.

From: Gun Atthaphan

It's not a burden, Pet. Don't worry, I will. Take care of yourself, please, and don't hesitate to contact either me or Off if you need anything.

After reading that, Tay put down his phone on the bedside table and covered his eyes with his forearm. I don't know where to look for you, New. Please call me.

He heard his phone's notification sound. He checked it and saw a message from his manager.

From: P'Yui - Manager

Tay, I'll pick you up in about an hour. Traffic's building up.

To: P'Yui - Manager

Phi, can I skip today's shoot? I'm not really in good condition right now. You know what happened yesterday, right?

From: P'Yui - Manager

Yes, I heard, and no, I won't let you mope around all day. It's exactly why you need to work right now. Distract yourself. Besides, think about the crew members that are already there. You have a lot of scenes to take today and they'd think you're unprofessional if you ditch work today without previous notice. Be ready. I'll be there soon.

"AAARGH!" Tay frustratedly threw his phone on the bed. He closed his eyes and combed through his hair aggressively.


At around 11 in the morning, New heard Mint knock on his door again, "New, P'Jack and P'Ton are coming over. They're going to discuss work."

New answered. "Okay. Let me just get ready and I'll get down in a few." He sighed. This is good. I need a distraction.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now