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"New!" Gee was surprised to see New. "I thought you were inside."

"What are you doing here?" New repeated, this time with obvious hostility. 

"I, uh...I heard Mint was leaving. I'm hoping maybe I can say goodbye? I also want to see my daughter."

"You are not seeing Mint, and you have no daughter here."

"New, please," Gee pleaded.

"Leave. Now."

New was about to walk back to his car but Gee spoke again which made him stop.

"You have no right to deny me my daughter!"

New suddenly turned around and held Gee by the collar. "You have no right to call Luna your daughter, you fucking asshole! The moment you decided to leave Mint alone was the moment you lost that fucking right!"

"But I had to protect them from my wife!"

"Well, I don't care!" New shouted as he pushed Gee which made the latter stumble. "I was the one who cleaned up your mess that almost cost me my own relationship! I was the one who was with Mint all throughout her pregnancy and I was the one who helped her raise Luna in her few months so you have no. right. to be. here." He said the last words as he kept pushing Gee away. He pointed his finger at the man, "You are not Luna's father. You don't have the privilege to call yourself that. Now go! Before your wife finds out you're here!" New turned his back and walked.

"If you don't let me see my daughter, I'll tell the whole country about you and Tawan."

New stopped walking. Gee smirked and added, "You do not want that, do you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have married Mint."

Right then, the front door opened and Mint came out.  Both men looked at her.

"Mint." Gee greeted Mint with a hopeful smile but the latter did not return it. 

She faced him and said, "Leave now and never threaten New again. If you do anything that would jeopardize New, Tay, or their relationship, I swear to God you will never get to see Luna until you die. The world is big, Gee. There are a lot of places I can go that is far away from you." Mint looked at Gee intensely, making him know that she meant every word.

Gee was not able to respond. He looked at her and then at New, then back to her again. His eyes and voice suddenly softened, "I'm sorry. For everything. Take care, Mint." Gee gave her a small smile and walked towards his car. He looked at Mint for the last time before he went in and drove away.

When New and Mint got inside the house, Mint turned to New and apologized.

"I already saw him a while ago. He stood outside for quite a while. At first, I thought it was Tay but as I examined further, I recognized him that's why I was not coming out. I just didn't know that he would wait that long that you'd meet outside."

"No need to say sorry, Mint and that's good that you didn't go out. It's not the same between you anymore. He might hurt you if you get into a heated confrontation. Thank you, by the way. You even had to use Luna to protect me and Tay."

"I know that's the only thing that could stop him, New. Besides, it's enough that he hurt me. I can't have him hurt more people that are important to me."

New just nodded and proceeded to the kitchen. He got himself a glass of water and offered Mint one which the latter declined. As he downed one glass, he asked her, "Did you mean it, though? You will never let him see Luna? Ever? Or that was just a threat?"

"You were right, New. He is not Luna's father. If anything, you're the only one who has the privilege to be called that." Mint smiled at him. "Honestly, as much as I want, I don't want him to get involved in my child's life. So, it will depend on Luna in the future."

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now