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Luna's cries echoed through the house.

Mint was downstairs drinking water. Her body clock had adjusted to Luna's waking hours every morning. She immediately put down the glass and rushed to her room upstairs. When she got there, she saw the door slightly ajar and she can hear someone humming a lullaby.

When she opened the door, she saw New cradling Luna. The man saw her and he just smiled.

"New, it's okay. You should not have woken up. I'm fine." Mint whispered.

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep. She's falling asleep again, anyway." New whispered back.

Mint stood beside New for a few seconds before going back to bed. As she watched him, she imagines New being a father to his own kid. What a lucky kid. She reached for New's face and gave him a peck on the cheeks. She then mouthed 'thank you' to him and went to bed.


It was almost eight in the morning when New woke up again. He checked his phone and he saw a message from Tay. It was sent about fifteen minutes ago.

From: My Sun ☀️

Good morning, Hin. You up?

To: My Sun ☀️

I just woke up, Te. Where are you right now?

From: My Sun ☀️

I just finished showering. I'll go to MMG later. P'Yui will be picking me up in about fifteen minutes. Today is the airing of the pilot episode of my series with Lee. We will be doing a live streaming of the main casts' reactions. I'm nervous 555

To: My Sun ☀️

Congrats, Te. 💙 You've been working hard these past few months. For sure, people will receive it greatly. Don't worry.

From: My Sun ☀️

I hope so, Hin. Will you be watching?

New thought for a while. He will be watching Tay and Lee together. For sure he won't enjoy it. But as much as he's mad with Lee, it's Tay's first BL project and he wants to support him.

To: My Sun ☀️

Of course. Where will you go for the after-party?

From: My Sun ☀️

I'm not sure yet. I'll inform you once I get to know later.

To: My Sun ☀️

Okay. Take care. I love you.

From: My Sun ☀️

I love you, too. Talk to you later.

After the short exchange, he got off the bed and fixed it. He then went out and knocked on Mint's door.

"We're here!" Mint shouted from downstairs.

He went down and saw Mint sitting on the couch, reading a novel she's been trying to finish these past few days while rocking Luna's cradle.

"Hey. Good morning. How is she?"

"She's asleep. I brought her outside a while ago."

"Have you eaten breakfast?" New asked as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Yup! I left you eggs and hotdogs at the table." Mint answered as she followed New.

"Saw it. I'll eat now." They both sat across each other.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now