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While New was waiting for Tay in front of the house, he can't seem to place what he's feeling. He feels excited yet nervous at the same time. It's been a while since he and Tay got to talk, let alone see each other.

The sight of the cab who turned in their street distracted his train of thoughts. He is getting anxious now, unsure of how Tay will react once he sees him.

When the car stopped in front of him, he waited for Tay to come out and to his surprise, when he did, he immediately run to him and put him in a tight embrace. New was surprised for a second, but immediately returned the hug. He buried his face on Tay's neck and felt his tears pool again. I missed this smell.

Both savored the moment for a long time until Tay broke the hug and wiped New's tears.

"Why are you crying again, Hin? I'm here now."

"I missed you, Te. I missed you so much."

Tay held New's face and they stared at each other for a while. Then they both leaned in, slowly, until their lips touched. Nobody moved at first, just feeling each other's lips. New moved away for a little bit, and looked at Tay's eyes. Tay, as if he understood what the other meant, kissed New again but this time, with passion. It's a kiss without lust, but filled with so much love and longing.

After the kiss, Tay held his hand and led him to sit with him on the street gutter.

Once settled, he put his right hand on his knee and rest his head on it. He just stared at New, as if admiring the handsome view.

New blushed and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing. It's just that it has been a while since I saw a beauty like this up close."

New then moved his face closer, almost just half inch apart from Tay's face. "How about this close?"

Tay then pecked New on the lips, "Been closer."

New became giddy and rested his head on Tay's left shoulder.

"How have you been, Hin?" Tay slightly turned his head towards New so he can see the latter.

"I haven't been myself until tonight, Te. These past three months have been hard. I just buried myself with work so my heart can rest even just for a few hours a day. Gun helped, too."

Tay pat New's head. "It's okay. I'm here now."

"How about you?"

"Well, in case Gun hasn't told yet, I've been a wreck. I even ran away and eventually found myself in the Rama bridge."

New hesitated before replying. "I know that."

"Gun told you, huh?"

"No. I was the one who found you."

Tay slightly moved his shoulder so New removed his head, and they faced each other. "You did?"

New looked down at Tay's hand as he plays with it with both of his hands. "Yeah. Gun called me, asking me where would you go if you have problems. I told him you always go to me. But at the time I thought you don't know where I live, so it's impossible for you to be here. So I drove around the city and found you." He then looked at Tay with an apologetic smile.

"On the night of your wedding, I went here with my trophy. I was so excited to talk to you the way I did these past few months. But when I got off the cab, I saw you slow dancing with Mint. I was hurt, so I ran away."

New was surprised with what Tay said. "You saw that?"

Tay unhappily smiled. "Yeah. I thought you're already becoming happy here, so I was really hurt. I thought I was waiting for nothing."

New held both of Tay's face and looked at him in the eyes, "I'm sorry you had to see that but it did not mean anything, okay? She asked me to dance because she was trying to lift my mood and that's all there is. I love you, Te. Only you."

Tay smiled at him, this time, genuinely. "I know. I'm sorry I felt jealous."

"Don't say sorry. I understand why you did." New resumed their position and rest his head on Tay's shoulder.

"By the way, Hin, I have a new project coming up. It's a BL series. It was just offered to me a while ago and I think I'm going to accept it. The story's good. I read through the script and the story's about two adults who've been friends for a long time fighting their feelings for each other for years because they were afraid of the world's judgment, but eventually gave in and ignored the world and embraced their sexuality and their feelings for each other."

New can hear how enthusiastic Tay is with the new project. "You sound excited, Te. You liked the script that much?"

"Yeah. The story's really good. But not just that, Hin. It could pave the way for us, you know? Maybe one day, when we come out, more people will be accepting of us. Maybe through this series, I can make them understand us more."

New felt his heart skipped a beat. He looked at Tay and saw how determined the man is to protect him, too.

"Thank you, Te. Don't worry, our day will come, too." He kissed his hand and proceeded to the other's cheek.

"We'll tell the world when we're both ready, Hin. I will never rush you."

"Thank you."

The two spent the night sitting there in the gutter, catching up on all they have missed for the past months.


When Tay got home, he saw his three friends sleeping on his living room - Gun and Off cuddled on the couch, and Arm on the floor with a pillow.

He got blankets on the bedroom and covered them.

After that, he picked up the scattered bottles and fixed the other trash and put them in one garbage bag. He then proceeded to lay down on his bed and texted New.

To: My Hin 💙

I'm home now. Thank you for tonight, Hin. At least now I can sleep at peace. Thank you for making me understand. You don't have to be alone anymore, Hin. I will always be here. Don't go disappearing on me again, okay? I love you.

Few minutes, later. He heard the message notification from his phone. He was expecting a reply from New, but instead the message was from someone else.

From: Director Aof

Tay, be at the office at exactly 10am. I'm going to introduce you to someone. He's going to work with you soon.


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