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New was rushing down from the second floor of their house.

"Newwiee! Slow down!" Gun shouted as he followed New. "Kids, don't run. Don't mimic your Papa." Gun scolded the three boys when they were about to run, too.

"Listen to uncle Gun, kids. Pluem! Don't let your brothers run."

"Yes, Papa! Frank. Nanon. Don't run."

When New got out of their house, he went straight to the garage to start the car. The three boys soon followed. Pluem sat beside him while the two rode at the back. Gun leaned on the driver's door. New got the window down and said, "Thank you, Gunnie. So much. Where's Off?"

"He's almost here. We'll just meet you at the venue."

"Okay, okay. Bye!"

As New drove off, he looked at the rear-view mirror to check on his kids. "Have you put on your seatbelts, Frank and Non?"

"Yes, Papa!" The two chorused.

"Pluem, later, you'll be in charge of the two, okay? Behave, you three, alright?" He addressed his eldest without looking at him.

"Don't worry, Papa. I got them."

New smiled. He felt proud to have raised Pluem as a responsible child.

After about a two-hour drive, they reached MMG Building. It's been a while since he'd been there and he missed the place somehow. Ever since he quit showbiz and focused on his career as an engineer and a professor, he barely had time to visit the place. Plus he usually visits Tay in their filming locations outside the area.

When they got in, they proceeded to the dressing room where they found Tay about to put on his suit jacket. When he saw his family, he smiled widely. He asked the staff to pause then ran to his husband and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I got us here as fast I can. Are we too late? or am I too soon? Are you still not done?" New asked a he looked around the room.

Tay bent down and kissed his sons on the top of their heads. "No. You were just on time, Hin." He hugged him again, "I missed you. Sorry. They asked us to sleep in the sleeping quarters here last night. They don't want us to be late for the premiere and they needed us to prepare early."

New pulled back and gave him a peck on the lips. "I know. Now go. She's been holding your jacket for quite a while now." He pertained to the girl who's been holding her giggles as she looked at the family.

When Tay left, Yui approached them. She hugged New and greeted the boys. "More than a decade and your husband is still whipped for you." She teased New.

"Well, I would never want him to stop," New answered as he looked at Tay.

"The limousine is already in the parking lot. You'll come back here after the event, right? Did you bring a car?"

"Yes, Phi. But I'll have the kids go with Gun and Off later. They'll bring them at home. I don't want them to stay up late and I don't want Tay to ditch the after-party."

"Hin, I'm done. Let's go?" Tay said as he walked towards his family.

New just nodded and gave respect to the people in the room. He made his sons do the same before completely leaving.

"Our boys look handsome. Gun did a great job." Tay said as they waited for the elevator.

"I know. I-" New stopped talking as soon as he heard somebody calling him.

"New! New!"

He looked around and saw Jack running towards them.

"Phi!" New smiled as he welcomed his former manager with a hug.

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now