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New felt something on the tip of his nose. He swatted it away and tried to sleep again. Two seconds later, he felt it again, so he slightly opened his eyes and saw a finger tapping his nose lightly. He looked to his right and saw Tay smiling wide.

Tay continues to tap the tip of New's nose and said, "I've always loved that mole. It's like a cherry on top of the icing. Icing, 'cause your skin's so white."

New, without warning, suddenly grabbed Tay's finger and bit it. Tay pulled it out immediately and cried out, "Ai, Hin!" New laughed as Tay scowled.

Tay held his index finger with his left hand. "Hin, that hurts", he said while pouting.

"Aww." New cupped the other's cheek with his left hand. "The baby got hurt? Here, let me fix it." New took the finger and kissed it. "There. Better?"

"Better." Tay smiled and leaned in to kiss New. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I just want to relax today, Te. I don't want to go somewhere far."

"So today's a lazy day?"

"Yes, please?" New looked at Tay with puppy eyes.

Tay pinched the latter's left cheek, "Your choice, Hin. Your wish is my command."


They just had food delivered to their room and stayed by their private pool all afternoon. 

On dinnertime, they opt to dine out at a nearby restaurant and strolled a bit on the nearby beach.

When they got back, Tay proceeded to the bathroom. New just thought that maybe Tay's stomach is acting up so he didn't give it much of a thought. He just gathered their things and started packing since it is their last night.

After about fifteen to twenty minutes, Tay came out at last.

"That took long."


"I thought the toilet bowl ate you already."

Tay looked at New with disbelief, "You thought I was...who takes a shit that long?!"

New chuckled, "Well, I thought you'd be the first."

"No, I didn't take a shit," Tay said as-a-matter-of-factly. "I, uh, actually prepared you a bath. Go now, while it's still warm." Tay helped New to get up from the floor.

"Just me? Now that's a first. Usually, you always want to bathe with me."

"Hey! I'm not that horny all the time!"

"Wait. You're not ditching me to meet someone while I take a bath, right?"

"Can you please just go? Now?" Tay said while pushing New to the bathroom. When he got him in, he closed the door and just about to walk away when the door opened again and New's head peeked out. "You sure? Final decision? You will let me bathe alone?"

"Hin!" Tay frustratedly said.

New laughed, pulled Tay by his collar, and kissed him. "Thank you."

"You deserve it. Now go."

Once Tay is sure that New will not be going out anymore, he immediately moved to prepare the surprise for New.


When New got out of the bathtub, he wore the white bathrobe hanging on the wall and got out of the bathroom. He was startled to see darkness, with only a bit of light coming from the center of the room. He can also hear an instrumental version of Beautiful by Crush, one of the OSTs of their favorite Korean series, Goblin.

Once he got there, he saw small candles on the floor, arranged to form a pathway, and at the end of the path is Tay, holding a bouquet. The furniture was arranged to give them a bigger space. He walked slowly towards Tay, and once he got near him, Tay gave him the bouquet of sunflowers arranged with white roses. 

"Hi, Hin." Tay greeted New with a smile.

New looked around before responding, "When did you have time to prepare all this, Te?"

"I always have time for you. My love for you is timeless, remember?" New knows Tay referenced the engraved words on the watch Tay gave him before.

The background song just played on repeat. The two just stared into each others' eyes for a moment, and without breaking the stare, Tay suddenly knelt on his right knee, holding New's left hand. He got something from his behind and he showed New a small square box.

New suddenly panicked, assuming what Tay's about to do.

Tay saw the expression on New's face and he chuckled. "Don't worry, Hin. This is not yet a marriage proposal. I know we are not yet there. But..." Tay opened the box, showing two rings. He took out the one in front and looked at New while holding it. 

"This is a promise ring, New. When I met you five years ago, I didn't know then that I would fall in love with you deeply. Then we got to work together four years ago, and I started to see you in a different light. Suddenly, I fell in love with your smiles. Your laugh became music to my ears. I found myself listening to every word you say. I worry about you whenever I see that you're not okay. Before I knew it, you pretty much became the reason why I wake up in the morning. We've been together now for three years, and I know, like deep-in-my-guts know, that you are the one for me and I promise to just always be here for you. I promise to be your home, Hin. Always."

Tay put the ring on New's left ring finger. He stood up and he wiped away the tears that are now pooling in his eyes with his left thumb while still holding New's hand with his right.

New is crying heavily now, and he tried to calm down first before taking the box in the other's hand, picked out the last ring, and put the box and the flowers on the couch behind him.

He held Tay's left hand with his left hand and held the ring with his right. "Te. Right now, I can only promise you these. My love for you is timeless, too; and wherever I am, whoever I'm with, whatever I'm doing, you will always be here-" He gestured to the top of his head "-and here-" he then gestured to his heart. "I want you to trust on that, Te. I want you to always believe that every fiber of my being is in love with you, and whatever I do, I do it because I love much." New tried to get the words out as clearly as he can because of heavy sobs.

He put the ring on Tay's ring finger and hugged him tightly like he's afraid to let go. Tay returned the tight hug, while both of them were crying. They stayed like that for what seemed like a long time. Tay was the first to calm down, and he pulled New and cupped the latter's cheeks while wiping the tears that are flowing heavily. Once he heard New's breathing become stable, he picked up his phone from the bed and changed the song to Amazed by Lonestar.

He then held New's hands and wrapped them around his neck, while he wrapped his arms on the latter's waist. He put his forehead against his lover's, and they slow danced to the music.

New is on the verge of crying again, but he held his tears back.

I hope I can stay in this perfect moment. I hope I can stay safe in your arms, Tay. I wish I can stop the time right here, right now. But I can't and tomorrow...tomorrow you'll wake up without me by your side. I'm sorry, Tay. Remember my promise. Please.


New knelt down and brushed Tay's hair softly.

He's trying his best not to cry so much as to not wake Tay up as the latter soundly sleeps.

"I love you, Te. Take care while I'm gone." He whispered quietly. He then kissed Tay's forehead.

As he stood by the door, he looked back on Tay.

I'm sorry, love. But I have to.


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