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New got awakened one night by the sudden urge to pee. He got up and went out of his room and proceeded to the bathroom. When he got out, he noticed the light emitting from downstairs. He went down to check it out and found Mint crouched in front of the refrigerator, searching for something. He peeked at the wall clock in the living room and saw that it was just past fifteen minutes to two in the morning. 

"Mint," New called.

When Mint saw him, her reaction is similar to that of a burglar caught in the act. "New? What are you doing up?"

"The question is, what are you doing up at this time of night?"

"Oh. Uhmm, I'm actually looking for the Snicker bars?" She returned her gaze to the refrigerator and pout her mouth.

"You won't find them there."

"Oh?" Mint looked at New, "Why?"

New looked away then said, "I hid them."

Mint suddenly stood up and looked at New incredulously, "Why?"

"You know why! Your doctor said to control your cravings otherwise your sugar might spike up!" This time, New looked at Mint like he's scolding a kid.

Mint was displeased that she did not respond and stomped her feet in every step all the way towards her room.

When New heard the door of Mint's room close, he sighed and returned to bed. While he was lying down, he felt uneasy. He kept on rolling side to side, finding it hard to sleep again. 

After about thirty minutes of struggling, he stood up and went to the kitchen. He sat at the dining area, and scrolled through youtube, looking for video instructions on how to make sugar-free desserts, and settled for brownies. After learning what he needed to do, he looked through the cupboards and searched for available ingredients. Finding out that he lacks a lot, he went to his room to change his clothes. Before he went down, he knocked first on Mint's door and said, "Mint, I'm leaving for a moment. I just need to buy something. I'll bring my phone with me. Contact me if you need anything...except Snickers." When she did not respond, he just went on his way to the nearest twenty-four-hour convenience store. 

It took him about thirty minutes before going back. Once he did, he set the ingredients on the table, wore the apron hanging on the wall near the sink, and started baking. He felt excited because it has been a while since the last time he baked.

Around seven in the morning, Mint woke up. She remembered his exchange with New last night, and she felt pissed off again. She understood why New did it, but she feels mad still.

She went down to get herself a glass of water then saw the food cover on the table with a note:


When she opened the food cover, she saw the tray full of brownies. Her mouth watered and she took one piece and bit on it. It tastes so good she forgot her annoyance towards New. She got herself a glass of water and sat down at the head of the table and pulled the tray towards her. 

As she ate, she thought about New and can't help admire him. Handsome face, big brains, awesome personality, sexy body - She choked on the browny as the sudden image of topless New flashed through her mind. NO, MINT! YOU CAN'T LIKE NEW! NOT THAT WAY! THIS IS ALL FAKE. YOU'RE NOT A REAL WIFE, she internally scolded herself.

She was lightly hitting herself on the head when she heard a voice, "What are you doing?"

She looked up and saw New with his messy hair and swollen cheeks and half-closed eyes. Oh my God, that's so cute. Her eyes widened and she suddenly stood up which surprised New. He looked at her with one eyebrow raised, confusion plastered on his face. "You okay?" He asked.

"Y...yeah." Mint stuttered and without thinking, ran immediately towards the bathroom on the first floor. She washed her face with cold water and talked at herself in the mirror with a low voice.

"No, Mint. It has just been a month since the wedding. Maybe you're still just feeling the wedding vibe? Or maybe you're just feeling lonely these past few months? Or perhaps the sense of familiarity being with New for this long? Or maybe it's because of the pregnancy hormones? Yeah, that's it. It's just hormones. Nothing more to it. It's not like it's the first time you saw him fresh from sleep or have tasted his baked goods or have kissed that luscious lips - NO! DAMN STOP!"

"MINT! MINT ARE YOU OKAY?" She heard New knocked aggressively on the door and asked with a frantic voice. She realized she was not able to restrain her voice and shouted the last words.

"YES! Uhh, yes, New. I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Why did you shout 'stop'? Is something happening?"

Yes, something's happening. "No, New. Sorry. Don't mind me. I'm fine, really."

When New did not respond again, Mint released a sigh of relief. She looked at herself warningly, while holding her chest.


When New saw Mint ran towards the comfort room, he was unable to move for a few seconds as he was confused about Mint's actions. When he gathered his wits, he went to the refrigerator and got himself water. Just when he was refilling his glass, he heard his phone ring with a message notification. He took it out of his pocket and saw Tay's message. 

From: My Sun☀️

Goodmorning, Hin. Gutter date later?

To: My Sun☀️

55555 when are you going to stop calling it that, Te? It sounds dirty.

From: My Sun☀️

No, it's not? I love it! It's our thing now. I love everything I do with you <3 I miss you and I want to see you. Haven't seen you in days :(

To: My Sun☀️

Sorry :( I have been busy these past few days and I always end work late. But okay to gutter date later! I'll bake you something.

From: My Sun☀️

Wow! It's been a while since I had your baked goodies. I'm getting more excited now!

New was about to reply when he heard Mint shout. He immediately ran towards the bathroom and knocked violently on the door.

He was not convinced that Mint is okay. He feels that something is different with her today based on her actions as soon as she saw him. She's still not mad at me, is she? She almost finished all the brownies, he thought as he stands at the edge of the table looking at the baked goods.

When Mint came out, he looked at her but the other just smiled at him. "Thank you for the brownies, New. I suddenly feel sleepy. I'll just go back to my room. You have work today, right?"

"Yeah, but I think I'll be back early. I'm meeting Tay."

"Tay? You're talking again now?" When she heard Tay's name mentioned, she felt something stir inside her.

New held his nape and answered, "Yeah. I realized I was stupid and selfish. I didn't trust my boyfriend enough."

"You're the most selfless person I know, New," she said while looking straight at him. As she heard him call Tay boyfriend, she felt the urge to cry. So, before she even did, she just smiled at him and hurriedly went to her room. Once she closed the door, she laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling, preventing herself from crying. 

I am not jealous. I am not jealous. I am not jealous. I can't be jealous. Why would I be jealous? No, nobody's jealous. I am not jealous. 

She tried to convince herself multiple times but she feels like her heart does not agree with her.

No, Mint, please. You can't fall in love with New. Not again, not when you know he has Tay now. You should not let history repeat itself.


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