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Before Tay arrived that night, New made sure that everything he'll need, from the clothes Tay will sleep in that night to the things he'll be needing when they leave the next morning, is prepared so the former would not have to open their closet since the lack of clothes and other personal things therein is pretty much obvious.

Whenever Tay needs anything, New will immediately offer to look for it or get it on his behalf.

"Someone's being too cordial tonight," Tay remarked with an eyebrow raised as soon as New went out of the room holding the extra batteries Tay would need for his camera.

"You were working the whole day. I just figured you'd be tired so I want to help." New responded as he sat on the sofa and watch Tay fix his personal bag for tomorrow.

Tay smiled. New loves treating him like a kid, always taking care of him, and most of the time, he lets him. However, rarely, he feels burdened by this since he feels like he's not taking care of New enough. But now is not of those times.


When they landed at Phuket International Airport at around 11:30 am, they took a cab going to Sri Panwa Phuket Luxury Pool Villa Hotel. Once they got to their room, both removed their shoes before fully going in. New just put down his bag on the floor and immediately went to the pool area and opened the glass sliding doors to admire the stunning sea view and feel the fresh air. The vast serene sea unfolded in front of him, and for the first time in weeks, he felt calm.

Tay watched as New takes in everything, and he can't help but admire how beautiful the view is; and by the view, he means New. He put aside their luggage, removed his bag and took out his camera, and took a snap of New. After admiring the shot, he put down the camera on the bed and approached his boyfriend. He gave him a back hug, and he swayed both of their bodies in sync with the trees below as they danced through the wind. New just leaned his head back on Tay's right shoulder while holding the arms around him, and closed his eyes. Tay looked at his Hin, and he smiled. I can look at this handsome face for the rest of my life.

He looked at the horizon and softly sang Can't Help Falling In Love With You.

"Wise men say only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you."

Tay looked at New as the latter opened his eyes and sang with him.

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you."

New turned around and faced Tay. He put his arms around the latter's neck while the other put his arms around New's waist. New leaned in until their foreheads touched, and they both continued to hum the song, eyes closed, while slow dancing.

When the song ended, Tay brought New's face up so they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Happy anniversary, Hin."

"Happy anniversary, Te."

Tay kissed New. Softly at first, until it became passionate. New nipped Tay's lower lip, signaling him to open his mouth, and he obliged, allowing the latter access. While their tongues danced, Tay suddenly lifted New by his hips. The latter wrapped his thighs around Tay's waist while he held his nape and kissed him deeper. Tay brought them both to the bed and plopped New down. He removed his button-down dark blue hawaiian-inspired polo while New watches, and he proceeded on removing New's simple white shirt. As he leaned in to kiss New, he suddenly halted mid-way as both them heard New's stomach grumbled.

New's cheeks flushed and he held both of his hands to his face and mumbled sorry.

Tay chuckled and said, "Let's get that satisfied first."


They looked for a restaurant nearby and settled with the Bluewave Restaurant. They chose a table outside with an overview of the beach.

They ordered Pineapple Fried Rice, Mix BBQ Seafood, Seafood Salad, a Coconut Smoothie for Tay and a Mojito for New.

While waiting, Tay spoke, "I told Peng we're going here to Phuket, and he bugged me for hours because he wants to come!" He laughed. "I clearly told him we're going to celebrate our anniversary but he still wanted to come. Tsk, that guy." Tay shook his head.

"Maybe he wanted to bring Gun along. That two. They always tell people they're not together, yet the way they act around each other even on public?? Who would believe them?" New laughed, thinking about the two.

"They're braver than we thought."

"Yeah, they are."

I want to be brave with you, too, Hin. Soon. Tay thought as he looked at New, smiling.

I want to be brave, too, Te, 'cause right now I'm really afraid to do what I have to do. New thought as he returned his lover's smile.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of their orders and thank God for its timing because New felt the urge to cry again.

While they ate, they talked about random things. New just pushed away the sad thoughts for now and enjoyed his meal with the love of his life.

Once done, they went to see the Phuket Big Buddha and spent a night out to Bangla Road.

When they got back to their room, both high from euphoria and with the influence of alcohol, Tay pinned New to the wall and kissed him aggressively. New opened his mouth to let Tay in, and fought for dominance until New just gave in. They removed their clothes in between kisses, and once undressed, Tay picked New up by his hips, still kissing, and brought him to bed.

As the night goes deeper, so did their passion for each other.


The next day, they took a day trip aroud Krabi: Hong Island via speedboat. They made new acquaintances during the trip, even foreigners. Good thing they brought enough english with them that time.

The trip lasted for six hours. After that, they visited the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary. They learned a lot of facts about elephants, why people should not ride them, and other ethical elephant tourism.

They then went to Phuket Town Weekend Night Market.

Once they got to their hotel room, body and day well spent, Tay and New shared a pleasurable bath.

As they cuddled on the bed, Tay spoke, "Hin, what do you think about going to Japan next year for our anniversary?"

New was not able to respond immediately. He gulped, unsure of what to say.

"It's too early to think about it, Te", he just said.

"No, it's not. We can even plan for the next ten years."

New chose not to respond at all. He can't give Tay false promises.

We might not be celebrating together for a while, Te.

New slept with a broken heart that night, as he will for the next years to come.


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