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Around eight in the morning, New heard a knock on his door, "New! New, we have to prepare you now. You still need to do photoshoots before the wedding proper, remember?"

New didn't move. He hasn't had enough sleep since he kept thinking about Tay.

"New, I'm going in now, okay?" He heard the door open, and the side of the bed behind him dipped. "New." The person lightly shook his body.

"Hmmm. Ten minutes more please." He croaked.

"I can't give you ten minutes more. We still have a lot of things of - what the hell?" Jack turned New's body as he spoke, and when he saw his face, he was shocked. "What happened? Why do you look like a mess? Why are your eyes swollen?"

New opened his eyes slightly.

"Did you spend the night crying, New? Right before your wedding day when you're supposed to look dashing?"

New was about to respond but his throat felt dry. He sat up and rested his back on the headboard. He swallowed his saliva so his throat would be lubricated.

"I remembered Tay, Phi. Tonight is the awarding night. I want to be with him badly."

"And I know that. But you already chose to do this New and you just can't back out now, especially not on the wedding day itself. The management invited some members of the press to do live coverage of your wedding later. Now, what would we tell the people if they see you looking like a zombie?"

New just stayed quiet.

"Look, New, Tay will be fine. He's with his manager now and other staff to take care of him, okay? Plus he has friends he could turn to if he needs somebody. Besides, all of this to protect him, right? Now I want you to just focus on the wedding today and nothing else. Can I expect that from you?" Jack felt like he's scolding a kid. He understands New's sentiments. He does, but he can't let him think about Tay right now otherwise the guy might run away. That would cause a big mess if it happened.

"Yes, Phi."

Jack sighed. "Good thing we have the best team today. They'll fix you up really well. Now go shower." Once he's done with his scolding, he left New with his thoughts for a while.

New stared at the ceiling for a few seconds after the talk. Remember who you're doing this for, New.


The theme of the wedding is a garden wedding. Fairy lights hang between the trees, hovering above the set-up. They are all turned on now since the sun is being hidden behind the clouds, and it's already almost five in the afternoon. The ceremony backdrop is a flower wall, filled with white roses and baby's breaths; the aisle is full of scattered white rose petals, with series of petunias lined on each side; a garland of lush, fresh blooms stands at the entryway.  Various photos of the couple are displayed in canvas stands around the place. Invited members of the press were at the back of the venue, and photographers won't stop clicking to capture every moment.

As New and his mom waited for the cue to walk down the aisle, his mom fixed his tie and said, "You sure about this, son? I know this all just for show but still...this is a wedding and a marriage we're talking about. Do you really want to do this the first time with someone you don't love?"

"It's not like I have much of a choice, mae. This was the best option we had."

His mom teared up. "I wish sometimes I did not raise you this selfless, New. I would gladly give you away if it's Tay."

New hugged his mom tightly, "Don't say that, mae. You raised your son well. You should be proud. Great love comes with great sacrifices. I love him so much, mae, and if I have to do this again to protect him, I would."

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