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Tay looked around and observed that a lot of his colleagues are already drunk.

How would I be able to go home? He thought as he took another sip from the whiskey in his glass.

He took out his phone from his pocket to look at the time.

It's late now. I might find it hard to grab a cab somewhere here. Should I book a car? But a lot of people here book a car, too. It might be difficult to book. He sighed and decided to go out for a while.

He went outside and took in his surroundings. He saw a couple a few feet away. The girl is riding on the back of the guy while the latter frustratingly looked for a cab. Just then, he thought of New. 

Right, I can have my personal driver pick me up. He chuckled at the thought. If Hin heard me call him my personal driver, he would definitely smack me in the head. 

He called his boyfriend and with just a single ring, the latter picked up.

"Oh, Te? Where are you?"

"Hi, Hin. We're still here at the bar." He hesitated for a moment before he continued, "Actually, I wonder if you can pick me up? Sorry, it's just that-"

"Wait for me. I'll be there in an hour."

When he put down the phone, he can't help but smile from ear to ear. "He didn't even let me finish. So excited to see me, Hin?" He spoke to his phone as he lightly shook his head. He went back inside the bar and mingled with his colleagues sitting inside one of the booths. 

When Lee saw him, he approached him with a bottle of beer in each hand. "P'Tay." He called the older then gave him the beer.

Tay refused to receive it. "Aw, Lee. I'm okay. I'm actually trying to sober up now."

Lee lightly pushed the bottle to him. "Nah, Phi. Just one more. We have no work tomorrow anyway. Plus, you're at a party! Don't be such a party-pooper." 

Tay hesitantly took the bottle and just took a sip. I don't want Hin to see me wasted tonight.

Lee was smirking as he watched Tay. He didn't leave the latter's side the whole time as he wanted his attention all to himself.

Tay did not notice that he already had three more bottles of beer besides the ones he took since that party started. 

Shit, Hin might be here now.

"Ai, Lee. I'm leaving now. Just please tell the others. Thank you." Tay told Lee. He then stood up and proceeded to go through the back exit. 

He took out his phone and texted New.

To: My Hin 💙

Hin. Pick me up here at the back door. Don't reply anymore. Take care. 


Tay was startled by the sound since he thought he was alone. He looked behind him and saw Lee.

"Aw, Lee, what are you doing here? Are you getting bored inside?"

"Sort of? Because you're not there anymore." Lee was smiling as he responded to the older. 

"Oh. Well, you can still mingle with others. You're close to most of the staff, right?"

"I can, but I don't want to, Phi. I was hoping to spend the whole night with you."

Tay was confused with the latter's answer that he was not able to say another word.

Lee slowly walked towards Tay. "Phi."

Are We Too Late or Am I Too Soon? (Completed ☑️)Where stories live. Discover now