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It's been three months since the announcement, and people are already hyped up because of what they call "The Wedding of the Century" of Thailand. One week from now, their idols New Thitipoom and Mint Ranchrawee will be officially Mr. and Mrs. Techaapaikhun. Banners from different places have been posted and paid advertisements by fans are plastered all over the city of Bangkok.

#NewbeginningwithMint has started trending in the country as well as other Asian countries where their fan base is huge.

Within months of living together under one roof, Mint noticed how New had been attentive to her. He would not let Mint tire herself out from chores and he does almost everything as much as he can. He thought that's the least he can do since Mint had to deal with what they call the 'morning sickness' every day, any time. There are even late nights when he'll hear a knock on his door.


"Yes, Mint?" New croaked.

"I'm sorry, but can you accompany me?"

New checked the time on his phone. It's a few minutes past two o'clock in the morning. He got off the bed and opened his door. He saw Mint wearing a hoodie with a mask on. "Huh? Where are you going at this time?"

Mint hesitated to speak first, but spoke eventually, "I've just been craving badly for Snickers chocolate bar right now."

"Snickers? You eat them now?" New looked at Mint incredulously. He clearly remembers Mint hating on that specific chocolate bar since it has nuts and caramel which, for her, should not come together with chocolate. "Okay. Uhh, stay here. I'll just buy them for you."

"No. It's okay. I can come. It's just that I don't know how to drive and the nearest store here is not within walking distance."

"It's two in the morning, Mint. Just stay. Let me change first." He went back to his room to change his clothes and went out to buy Snickers at the nearest convenience store.

They also spend their days working side by side, doing a lot of interviews, magazine photoshoots, and endorsements. New had also been receiving offers left and right to play on series and movies while Mint made it clear to her manager from the start that she would not be accepting acting jobs during her pregnancy, as it may stress her and the baby.

In one of their interviews as a couple, the interviewer directed his question to New.

"So New, fans had noticed the lack of congratulatory greeting from Tay. We know you two are close that people say you two are hardly apart. You belong to the same circle of friends, right? Was he supportive of your decision to marry? Or maybe he felt bitter that you're now leaving him behind in the singles' world?"

New froze at the sudden mention of Tay's name. He gulped and his mind went hazy as he doesn't know what to respond. Mint squeezed his hand that is intertwined with hers and answered for him, "Of course Tay was very supportive. He messaged New and me personally and even had flowers delivered for me!" She looked at the camera with a sweet smile and waved her free hand, "Thank you, Tay!"

New looked at her and simply smiled as if saying thank you.

Mint just smiled at him. I got you, she thought.


More than the wedding, fans of Tay also trended the  #TayTawanForBestDramaActorAsianTVAwards as the awarding night is coming up and will coincide with New's wedding day.

"Here is your ticket as well as the itinerary. We leave Bangkok the night before and we'll land in NAIA at around twelve thirty to one in the morning. The event will be held in Mall of Asia Arena, one of the biggest event venues in the country, so we will be staying at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila since it's near. You sure you'll be going home once your category gets called?" Yui is now in Tay's apartment as they discuss the upcoming event.

"Yes, Phi. Sorry but I want to leave as soon as possible."

"You won't tell me why?" Tay just smiled. "Well, it's okay. I already told the event organizers anyway that you won't be attending the after-party plus you won't be around anymore more until the end of the event. I'll travel back with you. The others can just follow the day after. Do you need me to help you prepare your luggage?"

Tay chuckled. "I'm not a kid anymore, P'Yui. I'll be fine. I can prepare my own things."

He looked at the ticket in his hands and got reminded of New. Hin has always wanted to visit the Philippines. I wish I could bring him with me. I'll visit you once I get back, Hin.

The past three months, he made it his routine to visit New whenever he can, or when he can't fall asleep. He'll just sit in the street gutter for hours until all the lights in the house go out, or even spend some more time after that. When he feels tired or sleepy, that would be his cue to leave.  Sometimes, he can even hear New's voice. "MINT! DINNER'S READY!"; and when he sees the door open, he'll instantly hide. He saw New one time went out and was talking on the phone. He seemed happy, and Tay can't help but smile too as he watched him. For now, I'm okay with just looking at you from afar.

Yui watched Tay as she hesitated on doing what she's about to do. She fumbled through her bag and took seconds before she decided to go for it.

"Here." She gave Tay a square envelope.

"What's this, Phi?" Tay took it with a smile but it immediately disappeared as he read what was inside. 


Request the honor of your presence to celebrate their wedding.

"I'll just leave you with it. I'll go now. See you tomorrow?" She stood up and moved to the door.

Tay was immobilized for a second, but eventually stood up, too, and accompanied her, "Sure, Phi. Thank you."

"Uhmm, Tay?" Yui looked at Tay before stepping out of the apartment. "You've been doing well these days. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Phi." He smiled at her and gave respect before closing the door. Once she's gone, he looked at the invitation in his hands.

If I'm going to attend your wedding Hin, I'll make sure I'm the other groom, not some mere visitor.

He tore the invitation out and threw it in the garbage bin. He went to his room and cried. It has been a while since he cried this hard. Seeing New from time to time calmed him these days; but with the invitation reminding him that the love of his life is about to get married to someone else in a week broke him down again. He slept with a heavy heart that night.


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