Music Brings Us Together [Jacob Black] for lipgloss247

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Name: Varunee Jay

Age: Same age as Jacob

Looks: Petite, curvy body, coming from my exotic background. Good bust, being a large C Cup. Brown skinned, darker than Jacob though, more south Asian/Indian color, a bit dark but has a tan to it. Perfect, long curly hair. Naturally born with black hair like Jacob's, but can be seen now often with a color other than black such as a medium golden brown to a bright, yet real deep red. Dark brown eyes. Small yet slightly full lips.

Height: 5 feet 2 inches, petite and proud!

Friends: She's cool with everyone, but really gets along with Jacob; like a best friend

Enemies: Besides bad guys of course

Personality: Sweet, loves and cares about her friends, laughs a lot, and is girly, generous. When you hurt her loved ones, she can be pretty bitched up, which can be rare, but forgiving. In some cases, it takes a lot for Varunee to forgive, and can get jealous at times. Very into her music, meaning she puts herself down when she hears better music out there.

Dreams: To become a big-time famous singer/musician in Hollywood. She knows she has potential, but has gotta work hard.

Likes: To shop, hang out with friends, help out people she cares for in need, and anything to do with music and singing. :D

Favorite Food: She's good with Italian, but Varunee loves fried chicken, especially KFC, very picky too.

Favorite Animal: DOGS!

Favorite Color: Blue, red, pink and white

Race: Human


Music playing, fingers roamed over the strings of a guitar with grace and talent. It was a hauntingly beautiful melody as it carried down the halls. Those who had stayed for after school activities could hear the sound. Varunee sat in the band room alone, practicing over songs her teacher had given her, as well as music she had created herself. When she finished playing her piece someone tapped at the window. She jumped. Looking through the glass was none other than Jacob Black, who was grinning.

Huffing, Varunee walked towards the window, opening it. "What?" she asked hotly, embarrassed for being scared like that.

"How much longer are you going to be in there?" he asked, leaning on the windowsill. "It's Friday, and that bonfire will be starting in three hours." Varunee's eyes widened, her head whipping towards the clock. Sure enough two hours had passed since school had let out.

"Oh no! I lost track of time again!" she exclaimed, running around and gathering up her things.

Jacob chuckled. "When don't you lose track of time?"

"Oh, be quiet! I was busy!" she said in protest. "I'll be out front in five minutes!"

The teen found Jacob waiting beside his motorcycle, her helmet in hand. "We'll go to your house first and I'll pick you up before the bonfire."

Varunee handed off her guitar and backpack to Jacob before putting on her helmet. "I'm going to be a little late tonight because my mom wants me to do something before heading out. Go to the beach without me and I'll come by later." He nodded as Varunee strapped the guitar and backpack onto her back.

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