Slipped Through My Fingers [Fang] for Unicorns ate my username

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She didn't mean to really, stumble upon his secret. It was chance, having forgotten the bow to her viola in the band room. Something loud collided with the door on the far side of the room, causing Mariah to jump in alarm. No one was inside, slowly setting down the backpack and instrument case. Moving towards the back around the chairs the teen peeked through the window in the door surprised to find black feathers littering the hall. Unlocking the entry it didn't take much for them to swing open, a body collapsing inside. Surprised that it was Fang, the new student, passed out she wondered just what had happened. But before investigating Mariah could hear hushed voices coming down the hall. Not pausing to think the girl dragged him into the room, quietly closing the doors and locking them.

"He came down here," a gruff voice said. Her spine pressed against the wood, holding Fang close so he was out of view as a shadow casted on the floor. The knob jiggled roughly. "Locked."

"Well then where did he go?" another asked. "The trail ends here!"

"It's obvious his wings have been pulled in and decided to move on foot. Let's go."

Mariah didn't even dare to breathe until their footsteps disappeared. Allowing the air to rush from her lungs the girl's gaze turned down to look at the raven-haired classmate. Sighing she looked up at the ceiling. "Just couldn't keep out of trouble, could you?" Without any other choice the teen began shaking him awake. "Hey, Fang. Come on. Wake up."

He groaned, eyes slowly opening. "What happened?"

"You passed out in the hall. Where does it hurt?"

"How about I tell you where it doesn't."

Mariah rolled her eyes. "Come on. Open them up so I can take a look."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you're from The School, Fang." Immediately the teen tensed in her arms.

"How do you know that?" he breathed.

"I was from there as well."


"Two years ago I escaped. Don't you remember the girl with long brown hair that nearly always covered her face due to not having a haircut. And almost never talked, but at the sight of an animal instantly brightened."

Fang was at a loss for words. "Candice."

"Bingo. Imagine my surprise when you walked into class with Iggy and Max."

"You cut your hair."

"I didn't want to look like a mental case at school. I had to blend in otherwise I would've been found. How long ago did the Erasers' come to town?"

"Their attacks just started. They're on to us. Not you though."

She nodded. "Are you going to keep talking or let me help you."

His brows furrowed. "You have a power?"

"I wasn't in The School for nothing."

Painfully, the teen pulled out his wings, revealing the broken bones and ruffled feathers that were covered in blood. "What are you?"

"A Mage. The scientists were idiots and mixed too many genes in my body."

"At least you're not mutated." The girl didn't care to comment, placing a hand over one of the wounds. Fang hissed, the girl closing her eyes and picturing the bones and muscles pulling back together. It was painful, the Avian having to bite his lip so he didn't yell. There was still a chance that the Erasers were still in the area looking. But he was surprised as the feeling faded looking over to find the wound healing. Glancing at Candice's face he saw the concentration from furrowed brows, a sweat breaking across her brow. Eventually everything was back in place, the girl breathing heavily from the strain. "What did you just do?"

"It's a rare mythical magic. Picture what you want to fix and pull the strands together you can heal wounds."

"Human and animal?"

"Only animal."

"Do they know?" Her head shook. "But they are still looking for you."

"There is a possibility. The white coats don't like it when their experiments escape, even if they were duds."

"Fair enough." She groaned, causing him to become alarmed. "What's wrong?"

Her head ducked, pinching the bridge of the nose. "Slight set back. Always happens when the wounds are extensive."

"What do you mean?" She looked up eyes having turned black, nose going flat like a bird's.

"I can take on some qualities of the animal I'm working on physically."

"Why is that?"

"I would like to know that myself."

"How long does it last? Is it painful?"

Candice giggled. "You know, I always thought you were quiet like me. Obviously I was wrong." He became embarrassed by the comment. "And no. I feel fine. It will go away in a few hours. Though it's not like I can go out in public until it goes away. You should get going. I take it the others are worried."

Fang nodded. "They are, but I'm not going to leave you alone here in case the Erasers' come back."

"Then we'll both get caught."

"I don't care. You healed me, so I owe you one."

She smiled. "Thanks, Fang."

They sat in a comfortable silence, Candice's eyes closing from fatigue. "You could come with us," he spoke up.


"You know, on the run."

"No, I don't think I could."

"Why not?"

"All of you are Avians and can fly. I'm stuck on the ground."

"We could carry you."

"Believe me, Fang, I would be more of a nuisance than helpful. Besides, I've already created an identity here."


"But if you ever manage to distance yourself from The School you could always come back."

"Maybe one day."

Eventually, everything returned to normal, the girl feeling her nose and looking in the reflection of her cell phone. "Back to normal."

"Are you sure you're okay by yourself?"

"I have been for years."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes. I don't want the both of us getting in trouble." Hoisting the bag over her shoulder and grabbing the case they stopped near the door, agreeing to leave the school at different times. "Well in case I don't see you tomorrow, goodbye, and good luck where ever you all end up."

He nodded. "You too." The Avian watched as she slipped through the doors, sighing quietly to himself. Fang felt saddened by her departure. But Candice had been right, and having the Mage accompany them would only put her in more danger. So for now he would allow her to stay here to try and live a normal life. For now.

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