Feather [Fang] for ampfan88

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My ears were ringing, everything happening in a blur; feet shuffling, fists flying, bodies hurling. It was just a normal walk home from school, only this time I had been following a group of new students because one of them was my partner for a project. I knew I should've declined the offer to go over to his house, and made up an excuse.

Pushing myself up, I glanced around, dazed. I had somehow ended up on the ground, getting shoved by one of the thugs that had attacked us. Even the blind kid was putting up a fight and holding them back, including the kids. And the... things they were fighting. What the heck were they? The men all looked like normal human beings piling out when they first pulled up. Now, now they looked like animals, sprouting wolf like features such as muzzles, teeth, claws, ears, and fur. Snarls ripped from their throats, lashing out at us.

A hand slammed down on my back, making the air rush from my lungs. The claws dug into the skin from the harsh grip, ripping through the shirt. I screamed when it started dragging me backwards, hoisting my body off the ground. "Let go of me!" I yelled, kicking to try and get away. "Let me go!"

It snarled in my face, hand coming up and gripping my jaw tightly. "No way, sweetheart, a pretty little thing like you is coming with us." I tried to pull his hand away, grabbing the fur-covered wrist. It was useless really. This guy had inhuman strength.

"Ginny!" A blur of black slammed into the thing's gut, forcing him backwards and to release me. Once again, I found myself on the ground, trying to figure out what to do next.

A hand grabbed mine, and I almost tried lashing out again before realizing that this time it was a 'friend'. "Ginny, run!" Max yelled, pulling me up.

"What's going on?" I yelled just as loud. She landed a punch in one of the monster's eye before whirling back around.

"Later! Get as far away as you can!"

"Up, up, and away!" I heard called out from behind, my legs pumping fast and trying to leave that horrible place behind me. A loud whoosh sound came from above, followed by a series of shadows.

Two arms wrapped around my waist before hoisting me off the ground with ease. I screamed, legs kicking as they left the ground, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Ginny-! Ginny, calm down!" a voice spoke quickly in my ear. It sounded familiar, but I was still panicking from the height I was at. "They're gone! We're the good guys!"

Whirling my head around, I was shocked to say the least. "F-Fang?"

He gave me a strained smile. "Nice to see you too. If you could try to stay as still as possible, that would be appreciated. It's hard flying with someone."

"Flying..." The words died in my mouth, taking in the jet-black wings that stretched out of his back, flapping powerfully in the wind. Glancing around we were not alone. His whole family was flying too, but with different colored feathers. Looking back at Fang, I was clearly confused. "How-?"

"Later. I'm taking you home. Where do you live?"

The house was dark, my mom not coming back home from her business trip for another three days. "Uh, thanks... I guess," I managed out awkwardly. Rubbing my neck absent mindedly, eyes not meeting his. I had no control over the flinch that ran through me, remembering the wounds from the fight... and I hadn't even thrown a punch. Sad. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He stepped forward, drawing my attention. "Do you have someone to stay with you?"

"My mom is out of town."

"I'm not letting you stay home alone with those things out there until I'm sure they are gone."

I scanned him, trying to figure out if what had happened was possible. How could it be? It was inhuman, impossible. "What were those things?" He looked away, hands shoved into his pockets. "Fang." I guess the begging in my voice was enough for him to look back at me. "What are you?"

My partner sighed. "Let me help you with those cuts... and I'll explain everything."

Bandages, cotton balls, peroxide, ointment, wet rags, and pads. For some reason, he wanted to be the one to clean and wrap me up, explaining as much as he could, as best as he could. Those things were called, Erasers, created by a lab, they called The School. Genetically altered humans with DNA from wolves. They were used as trackers for experiments who escaped, meaning his family. Human DNA mixed with birds, more specifically hawks, or in Fang's case, a raven. They were on the run, not wanting to be experimented on anymore or controlled. Just wanting to try to be... normal.

"You've been really quiet," Fang finally noted, having moved to my back wounds. The shirt was destroyed thanks to the claws, five markings running over the skin. Out of all the scratches and cuts on me, those hurt the most.

"Did it hurt?" I finally asked. "The wings?"

"At first. I've gotten used to them. It's almost second nature to bring them out nowadays."


"I'm sorry you had to get dragged into this, but you must know now that you're in danger."

"I kind of figured so."

"But you don't know where we live, so that's a good thing."

I fished through my closet for a new shirt, pulling it over my head slowly so I didn't aggravate the wounds further. "Fang?"

"Hmm?" his voice carried from the living room.

"Why did you choose to tell me all of this? You could've easily just left me guessing."

"To prepare you for what could come."

"Didn't know you cared," I muttered, mainly to myself, walking down the hallway.

He chuckled lightly. "Just because I don't show the most emotions at times does not mean I don't care for your safety."

I jumped in surprise. "You have super hearing too?"

"Something like that," Fang shrugged from his spot on the couch.

"Whatever, something tells me I'll be left to do this project on my own, won't I?"

"Sorry about that. With the Erasers' close, we'll probably need to move as soon as possible."

"Do as you like. It's not the first time I've been left to myself on a project before."

Fang sighed, standing up. "My family is probably worried. The Erasers' would've called off the search since it's so late. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" I shrugged. The door opened. "I really am sorry. I hope one day we'll meet up again on better circumstances."

"Why?" I asked, truly curious.

Something warm pressed against my cheek for a fraction of a second before falling away. "Because I really like you," Fang answered in honesty.

Whirling around, I didn't have enough time to ask him why. The door was open and empty, the only trace of him being a black feather that was left behind.

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