Everything I Want [Paul Lahote] for Chelsa

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The forest in La Push was breathtakingly beautiful, full of lush, greenery, as dew clung to the plant life, allowing a mist to settle in. The streets were completely deserted at the moment, residents at work or school. Inside the reservation there were animal sounds everywhere, the birds high in the trees calling out in echoing song, or a wolf howl, or the skittish sound of smaller creatures rushing through the underbrush made themselves known.

Though when the school bell sounded and the students inside were released, the peaceful atmosphere was broken by an equally beautifully sounding voice,

"As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox,

As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear,

As free as a bird, as neat as a word,

As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house."

The girl with dark brown hair that was pulled back into a braid walked along the edge of the road towards her home.

"All I wanna be,

All I wanna be, oh,

All I wanna be is everything."

Some of the curious birds overhead had even picked up the basic tune, trying to match the pitches. She smiled in response, blue eyes shining.

"As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth,

As deep as a bite, as dark as the night,

As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong,

As long as a road, as ugly as a toad."

The crashing waves of the nearby ocean could be heard, the smell of salt filling the air. Along the way there were a few honks from passing cars, as the girl waved to classmates when they passed by.

"As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture,

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be,

Bright as a day, as light as play,

As hard as nails, as grand as a whale."

She hummed for a few seconds before walking around the back of her house to the door.

"All I wanna be, oh,

All I wanna-"

The teen paused, key halfway in the lock before turning around to look at the surrounding forest line. Something had moved, causing a twig to snap. A few seconds later a large wolf lumbered out of the shadows, staring at the human. She smiled at the animal. "Hey, Paul. Are you off patrol now?"

The wolf crouched low, disappearing behind the bushes before standing tall as a human, tugging on a pair of pants. The taller, muscular young man walked forward across the yard, meeting up with his friend. "About five minutes ago," he answered with a yawn.

"Well come on inside. The couch is all yours. I'll cook you something to eat."

Paul's arm hooked around the older teen's shoulders in a hug. "Thank you, Holli."

The student prepared something for the werewolf in the other room, at least to hold him over till they headed over to Emily and Sam's house for a proper dinner. Once done, Holli walked into the living room to find the sleeping young man. She waved the plate in front of his face, causing his nose to twitch at the smell of the steaming meat sandwich. The girl snickered. "Guess he's not waking up. Oh well, all for me."

A strong tanned arm reached out, wrapping around Holli's waist and pulled her down onto the couch. Paul had sat up quickly, spreading his legs so the girl could sit between them, chin resting on one of her shoulders. "That's my sandwich," he mumbled, yawning again.

"Nuh, uh, lazy. It's mine now, besides I made it."

The young man groaned, eyeing the food that was only a few inches away. "Holli..."

The teen smirked before handing over the plate. "Please, I'm not that cruel."

Paul took the food happily, as Holli turned on the television, flipping through the channels. His arm stayed in place, holding the student close as they sat in silence. When he had finished eating, the werewolf rested his chin on one of her shoulders, staring at the screen. Though that didn't last long.

Holli giggled, shying away as Paul nuzzled into her neck. "Paul, stop it."

"What if I don't want to?" the young man grinned, nipping at the skin. "What if I want everything?" The imprint blushed heavily, biting her lip at the temptation.

"Everything... As in...?"

Paul turned Holli's head towards him, lips claiming hers. "I think you know exactly what I mean."

The girl captured his lips in a passionate kiss. They could be a little late for dinner.

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