Fever [Sesshomaru] for Kisuneflame

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"I'm going to murder him," Mae growled out, dripping wet from head to toe.

"As if you could accomplish such a thing, human," Jaken scoffed, nose upturned in the air. The young woman turned her sour attitude on him, glaring at the small demon. "Lord Sesshomaru is the strongest demon in the West. You have no special powers whatsoever. A human like yourself should know your place in this world-"

It only took a matter of seconds for the toad demon to end up in a heap on the ground, beaten and bruised. Meanwhile, Mae stomped off into the forest back towards camp, mumbling a string of curses. Go and find the river, he had said. Well, the dog demon failed to mention that the area would dip down into the ravine with a slippery embankment, so much so that it would be impossible to stop if someone did lose their footing. That's exactly what had happened to her, earning the girl an unneeded and unwanted bath. Even Jaken had known this little fact, as he had stated after the fall, saying it was because she was not aware of her surrounding that this had happened in the first place.

Running a frustrated hand through her jet-black hair, Mae took some deep breaths trying to calm herself down before facing the demon. Sadly, the toad had spoken the truth. A human like herself couldn't possibly hurt a demon as strong as Sesshomaru in any way. Even Naraku couldn't best him. Still, the thought of strangling the overly confident male was tempting.

"Mae!" Rin's hyperactive voice exclaimed, running forward to greet the approaching human. However, she paused, looking over her appearance. "Why are you all wet?"

"I was attacked by an army of frogs," she grumbled, passing the young girl and making her way towards the demon, who was relaxing up against a tree. "Here's your water." The packs dropped at his feet, but he did not move.

"An army of frogs?" Sesshomaru spoke up as she continued to walk away.

"Yeah, and one extremely annoying toad," Mae snapped, eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

"Where are you going?"

"To dry off!"

"Lord Sesshomaru, will Mae be okay?" Rin asked in worry, watching the young woman walk off.

"She just needs to cool down."

Once the camp was far behind her, Mae picked out a sunny rock, peeling off the top layer of her traveling kimono and lying it out. Sighing heavily, the human did the same to dry out the rest, covered by a white, thin under layer. "Asshole..."

She ended up falling asleep on the rock face, and the next time her eyes opened everything was dry. Mae groaned, not wanting to head back when there was a rustling noise in the bushes. "What, need more water?" the young woman grumbled, wrapping her hair up into a messy bun. There was no answer and Mae turned her attention when the noise grew closer. "Not funny, Sesshomaru."

There was a dark laugh that echoed in the air, and the human didn't hesitate. She screamed.


Sesshomaru was quick, maneuvering through the forest at the sound of Mae's scream. Rin had been worried about her not coming back in the last few hours and wanted to go and look for her. But he wasn't about to allow a child run off with the sun setting in a few hours. That would only spell more problems since demons would be coming out to hunt in the cover of night. So he left Jaken and her on the outskirts with A-Un.

However, halfway to his destination he could sense the dark aura gathering even before the cry of alarm. The demon halted in the clearing, eyes narrowed. "Naraku."

"How nice to see you again, Sesshomaru," the man grinned dangerously. "You seemed to have dropped something." One of his many tentacles lifted the lifeless body of Mae into the air, Naraku observing the dog demon's reaction. "Tell me, why do you have an interest in a human?"

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