Hunter's Antics [Sokka] for Changed By You

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"You're an idiot, you know?"

"I resent that," Sokka huffed. Crossing his arms, the teen stuck his nose up in the air, looking away from the girl that sat in front of him.

"I've been saying that for years," Katara muttered as she passed.

"Hey! I'm your brother! Whose side are you on?"

"Never underestimate the bond between women," Nikita smirked. Arms moving the water in the bowl at her side lifted into the air to form over both hands. She lightly pressed them against Sokka's leg, which had a large gash running up the side. He hissed in pain, glaring. "Oh, suck it up, you'll live. But honestly, did you have to chase after that kangaroo-rabbit?"

"Hey, he had some meat on him. Glorious meat." The hunter was drooling just at the thought.

"We have plenty of berries and herbs, plus the dried meat from the last kill a few weeks ago."

"You have to plan ahead! Otherwise, before you know it it's all gone! And then we'll starve!"

"You're being a little dramatic."

"When isn't he," Toph snickered. The healer bit her lip trying not to laugh.

Sokka chose to ignore the comment. "Anyway, I almost had him."

"Oh yes, chasing it across the field, up the hill and through the rocky embankment you were so close that you tried to catch up so quickly you fell and hurt yourself."

"Killjoy," he grumbled, looking away.

Nikita sighed, replenishing the water in her hands before going back to the task at hand. "Sorry. I know you try. I just wish you'd be a little more careful. I mean, there are other animals in the area."

Sokka looked back over at the Waterbender who was focusing intently on the cut, which was halfway healed. "Nah, it was stupid. I should've asked Aang to corner it or something."

"Wow, you're actually admitting your stupidity?" Toph grinned.

"Shut up, Toph."

Nikita grinned, shaking her head. "Where is Aang, by the way?" Katara asked.

"He ran off after the kangaroo-rabbit." A few minutes later her hands pulled away, the wound completely healed. "Awesome! You're the best, Nikita!"

"What am I? Chopped whale blubber?" Katara asked.

Sokka rolled his eyes, testing the limb before standing. "Thanks, again." He bent down swiftly kissing her forehead before walking towards Appa.

"Why did your heartbeat just speed up?" Toph asked.

"No reason," the Waterbender quickly said.

The girl cocked a brow. "Really? Doesn't sound like it. And I can tell you're lying."

"Shut up, Toph!"

Katara looked at the two quizzically before glancing over at her brother. "What's that all about?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he answered.

"He's lying too!" Toph shouted. "They did something behind our backs!"

Nikita's cheeks turned pink in embarrassment when suddenly Aang's head popped up over a bush. "I caught the kangaroo-rabbit for you, Sokka!"


Now that everyone was distracted, the Waterbender sighed in relief, shaking her head at the hunter's antics. "Idiot..."

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