Chance Encounter [Inuyasha] for Alexis

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Hairi lunged over a broken tree, barreling through the forest without looking back. A creature cackled from behind as it quickly followed after the girl. Yelping in surprise at how close it had gotten she spun to the right narrowly missing its claws. Gripping a branch she pulled it backwards, snapping it into the monster's face and stunning it. The creature roared in anger causing Hairi to trip and tumble down a hill. Wiping the dirt from her eyes the young woman wasted no time scrambling to her feet and running once more.

Inuyasha grumbled to himself kicking a stone across the sand. The waves easily washed it away, along with the footprints left behind. The half-demon admitted it. He was miserable. Ever since the defeat of Naraku, Kagome realized that she could not live in the Feudal Era and returned home. And even with Kikyo finally resting in peace she couldn't bring herself to forgive him for all the times he went in search for the resurrected woman. He tried to make things better, but it had been too late.

Miroku and Sango had married shortly after the human's departure and Inuyasha disappeared. The group had officially disbanded. He had heard rumors that the couple had given birth to a child, yet he had not gone to visit them. The half-demon didn't want to see them act so lovingly towards each other when he felt alone. The last thing he wanted to do was act so bitterly towards them. The half-demon didn't even know what became of Shippo.

A scent caught his nose. Demon. It was nearby in the forest that sat on the edge of the beach, but did not pose a threat. Though that did not matter to him. He could easily take care of any opponent with Tessaiga at his side.

A scream pierced the calm atmosphere, causing Inuyasha's head to snap up towards the cliff. There a young woman came stumbling out of the trees, clutching an arm tightly. Instantly the half-demon could smell the blood. A large ogre came stalking out of the underbrush, grinning down as his target continued to struggle to get away. Watching their movements he realized her inching closer and closer to the only escape.

"Hey! Wait!" Inuyasha shouted. The half-demon took off across the sand.

"Nowhere left to run, human," the ogre snarled. Hairi breathed heavily, body shaking in terror. Her eyes flickered backwards seeing she was at the edge of the cliff as the ocean waves crashed against the steep wall below. "I'm going to enjoy devouring you."

The human would rather die than submit to torture by dying a slow and painful death. She leaped, the demon running forward and reaching over the edge to catch her. However before his hand could close around her hair something sliced through the limb severing it from the body. The ogre howled in anger, gripping its arm as he bled out.

"Wind Scar!" There was no time to react before the blades of wind cut into the monster's body and shredded it into pieces. Inuyasha quickly looked over the edge watching as the human's body hit the water with a splash. He dove in right after her.

Hairi gasped once breaking the surface only able to refill her lungs for a split second before a wave-crashed overhead and pulled her under. Eyes opening the young woman panicked seeing the rocky cliff edge growing closer. An arm wrapped around the human's waist. Two legs came around pushing against the rock and swimming against the current. Hairi gripped the arm realizing it was human not fearing that this was the ogre coming to finish her off. They broke the surface again the young woman coughing up water that had been accidentally inhaled.

"Hold on!" Inuyasha shouted.

Minutes later they collapsed onto the beach completely exhausted from the ordeal. Hairi only allowed herself to rest for a moment before trying to stand once more. She cried out as pain shot up her arm. Noticing her movement the half-demon sat up, moving to her side. "Take it easy, you just fell off a cliff and you have a nasty wound."

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