Punishment [Hikaru Hitachiin] for Asdfhgjkl its gerri

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"Aren't you wearing a little too much, Kyo?" Hikaru teased the new member of the Host Club with a grin.

"It's just enough," the Host huffed, arms crossing, blush on their cheeks.

"You always wear too much clothing," Kaoru added, poking a shoulder.

"Shut up and leave me alone."

"No can do! You can't go down to the beach until you take off that shirt," Hikaru stated in a sing-song voice.

"Like hell I will!" Kyo exclaimed, clutching at the T-shirt.

"Is everything all right in here?" Kyoya's voice came from the patio, peeking into the living room. "Your guests are getting restless because you three are late. This isn't good for business."

"I'll handle them," Kaoru stated, the young man with glasses nodding his head and disappearing again. "Hikaru, get Kyo dressed in something decent for the beach. And hurry up, otherwise we'll hear it from Kyoya again later."

"How is this not decent?" Kyo shouted after the twin, who lazily waved goodbye over a shoulder. Hikaru and Kyo's eyes locked, the Hitachiin with a look of mischief, and the other Host in fear. "What are you doing?"

"Hand it over, and let's do this the easy way."

Kyo's hands began shaking. If he took the shirt then everything would be revealed. And the Host meant everything. The student began to back away, Hikaru following close behind. "Don't," Kyo stammered, but that wasn't going to do much good.

Both Hosts' ran, circling a couch, one on each side. "Come on, Kyo. We're making the customers wait."

"Then let me go down to the beach dressed like this!"

"No way! We've always allowed you to cover up before, and took a poll within the club. Eighty percent of the members and clients requested that the next event we held they would like to see you with your shirt off."

"You did what!" Kyo's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Took a poll. No harm in that. Now. Off!"

They were moving again, feet sliding against the smooth floor with every turn in the house before eventually coming back to the living room again. "Gotcha!" Hikaru exclaimed, tackling Kyo to the ground.

"No! Please just let me keep it!" the Host begged, trying to squirm out from under the twin.

"Stop being so difficult, Kyo," he grunted, fighting against the hands that tried to hold the fabric down.

"Wait! Wait-!" With a quick tug the T-shirt was up and everything froze.


There were tears in Kyo's eyes when the twin tore away his gaze, quickly pulling back down the top, a blush now on his face. He rolled off, still in shock by the whole situation, while the other Host rolled onto their side, huddling in a ball of embarrassment.

It was silent for a few moments between the two before Hikaru sighed, glancing over at Kyo. "Come with me."

Ten minutes later they were sitting out on the patio, legs dangling over the edge as they watched the waves of the ocean crash against the beach half a mile away. At times they would catch glimpses of the Host Club and their clients. The twin looked over at Kyo again, who was eating a bowl of ice cream he had gotten for the Host in the kitchen. The student still refused to look at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a girl?" Kyo jumped at the question, head lowering even more. "If you would've said something then Kaoru and I would've never pressed the matter or teased you."

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