I Won't Leave [Paul Lahote] for It's Christmas In The Shire

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Name: Melissa Conroy

Age: same age as Paul.

Wolf: White and grey


Melissa hated this. Waiting. Waiting for an army of newborn vampires to come and try to kill a human. Waiting to protect a coven of bloodsuckers. Waiting to see if they would all return home in one piece.

You need to calm down.

Her eyes glanced over at the silver wolf, who joined her. For the last two hours she had been attempting to block out the thoughts of her other pack members. It was depressing really, those who had imprints worry about them, while the others could not wait to rip off the heads of their enemies.

It's kind of hard since they are a bunch of newborns.

He chuckled under his breath. Don't worry, we're going to be fine.

Says the guy who has been a werewolf longer.

Paul's lips pulled back in a smile before licking the side of her face. Just stay close to me, Melissa. Everything is going to be fine.

The stench of the bloodsuckers was growing unbearable, low snarls erupting through the pack. Though Melissa could only whimper, the bridge of her nose nuzzling under Paul's jaw, which vibrated from his growling. I love you.

He sighed, having calmed for a moment from the contact and returning the affection. I love you too, Melissa. Stay close.

The newborns came from the far side of the field, the Cullens' rushing forward and clashing head on. The pack was ready, crouching low ready to attack. But they waited for their Alpha to give the signal. For now, the coven was doing a pretty good job at keeping them at bay.

Now! Sam shouted.

Roars ripped from their throats, barreling through the snow. The enemy was caught off guard as their jaws ripped their first targets apart. Melissa couldn't honestly say she enjoyed killing someone, even if they were already dead. But she let her animal instinct take over, trying not to think about what was happening. A vampire mounted her back, head whipping around to snap at it. But she was quick, moving just out of reach. Thinking quickly before the bloodsucker could wrap its arms around her neck, the animal rolled over, crushing the vampire with her weight. The blonde shrieked in anger, unable to move until her limbs healed itself. But it was too late, Melissa tearing off the head.

Nice! Leah shouted before clawing her opponent in half.

A feral snarl caught the white wolf's attention, knowing that sound anywhere. She took off through the battle, lunging over fights and throwing vampires away who tried to take her down. A vampire was perched on Paul's back, arms growing closer towards his neck. Melissa sprung, tackling the bloodsucker and rolling across the ground. However, the young man had grabbed a hold of a leg, snapping it with ease. She yelped as the pain spread through her body, but would not allow the enemy to win. Jaw snapping down it locked around his shoulder. The vampire shouted in anger, red eyes blazing as his free fist came around and collided with her snout. No matter how much it hurt and the number of black spots that clouded her vision Melissa did not let go only biting harder.

Paul's roar was terrifying as he tore the vampire apart before another fist could make contact. She let the limb drop from her mouth, panting heavily and trying to stand. The teen whined in pain, nearly collapsing to the ground.

Don't! Paul shouted. It's a bad break, and if it doesn't set right, you'll only have problems-!

Watch out! she screamed.

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