Boom Goes the Symmetry [Death the Kid] for Brenna

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"It's so symmetrical!" Death the Kid exclaimed, eyes sparkling at the sight of the perfectly made column.

"Kid! Now is not the time to be sightseeing!" Lisi snapped from her position as pumpkin bombs fell from the sky.

"Yeah, come on, Kid!" Liz complained in her weapon form. "You're going to get us all killed! Some of us aren't the Lord of Death's son!"

"Look out!" Erica, Lisi's weapon, shouted. The teen lunged out of her hiding spot just as the boulder exploded from an attack. Searching through a belt pouch, the meister rummaged around finding a bomb of her own and tossing it at the column. The side exploded, crumbling to the ground.

"There! It's asymmetrical now!" Lisi stated, grabbing the back of his uniform and pulling him out of the open.

"Why would you do such a thing?" he sobbed, rocking back and forth in a ball, clearly upset.

"If you don't focus you'll be worrying about symmetry in the after life!"

"Listen to her, Kid!" Patti cried as another tremor went through the ground.

A bomb landed on their side, Lisi kicking Kid out of the way before moving herself. "Give up, little mesiters!" the witch cackled. "You're no match for me!"

"Kid!" Lisi shouted, blade slicing through the air to try and attack their opponent. "If you don't get out of that mood I'll personally go through your collection of symmetry in your house and make it asymmetrical if we live or in the after life, so help me. Get! Up!"

The young man stood, fixing his hair, eyes narrowing. "Very well. Seeing as that you've destroyed something so beautiful, I cannot allow you to do that to everything else I own. Patti, Liz, prepare for Soul Resonance."

"Right!" the sisters agreed, being pulled into place.

Their souls began to grow in size and power, the three of them coming together as the weapons transformed. "Lisi! Back me up!" Kid yelled to the girl who was clashing with the witch. The girl jumped away, giving them an opening.

"Hold on, Erica!"

"I'll be fine just do it!" the weapon shouted.

The blast shot from the barrels of the guns, the witch's eyes widening. She barely managed to dodge the attack, the enemy snarling, arm burned. Suddenly, Lisi was by her side, blade at the ready. Gritting her teeth, the witch jumped away with a sadistic grin. The short sword in her hand had no chance at reaching-

The mesiter swung around the weapon, which extended in length. It cut into the rock walls, ripping it up along the way. The witch's eyes widened before screaming in rage. The sound was cut off when the blade sliced through her torso, form disappearing. Lisi staggered when she landed, exhaustion setting in. All three weapons turned into their first stage, the mesiters watching as the soul floated towards them.

"What a pain," Lisi grumbled, bagging the item and stuffing it in a pouch. "We'll give it to Lord Death so he can decide how we split this up." Turning, she stashed the weapon in its holster, not allowing Erica to revert into her human form until the mission was official over when they stepped foot on school grounds. Kid did the same with Liz and Patti. "Let's-"

The girl stumbled, falling to her knees as a wave of pain ran through her side. One look revealed a burn mark where a bomb had gotten too close, having not felt it from the adrenaline coursing though her body. "Ow..."

Kid bent down, looking at the marking. "It doesn't look fatal, but I'm still taking you to the hospital wing when we get back."

"Yes, yes, wouldn't want something to be asymmetrical, would you?" Lisi teased, eyes rolling as he helped her up.

"Symmetry has nothing to do with it. You're injured."

The girl leaned her body weight against Kid, who helped her out of the underground tunnel. "Ow, ow, ow," she hissed, the burning feeling becoming worse. Kid didn't wait, pulling the meister onto his back and picking up the pace. "What are you doing?"

"Helping you. We need to get moving and if you can't walk properly anymore then we need to get back to the DWA."

"Kid's right, Lisi," Liz spoke up.

"Yeah! We'll be back in no time!" Patti cheered, Erica nodding.


"You really got yourself good this time," the nurse commented, cleaning out the wound and placing a cooling pad over it to help ease the pain.

"How long will it take to heal?" Erica asked, standing off to the side against the wall.

"Two weeks at most for the area to no longer be tender. There's a fifty-fifty chance a scar will form."

"Doesn't matter, as long as I can fight later on down the road a scar is nothing," Lisi spoke up, lying on her side and staring at the opposite wall. Kid had gone off to check in with his father and deposit the soul.

"There. I'm going to give you some supplies to take home. Clean it in the morning and when you get home from school." The teen nodded, slowly sitting up and pulling her clothing back into place.

"Thanks, Doc. I'll come back if it gets worse."

"Please do and take it easy."

Both girls walked down the halls toward Lord Death's room, being intercepted by Kid halfway. "So how did it go?"

"Dad split it in three," the boy answered. "Liz and Patti already ate theirs. Erica." He tossed her the pouch. "Eat up."

The weapon gulped it down happily. "So then that means we just have to find another witch a piece and we'll be good."

"Yes, so long as we don't mess up."

"True..." If any meister in the Academy collected ninety-nine souls and then miscalculated and mistook a demon for a witch or accepted defeat everything collected had to be handed over. It had already happened to Maka weeks ago, which was a horrible outcome.

"How are you feeling?" Kid asked, drawing her attention.

"I'm feeling better and can walk." She turned to say something to Erica, finding the girl gone. "When did she leave?"

The boy shrugged. "She's always disappearing."

"Out of the way!" Black Star shouted from down the hall, both turning to find Soul and him darting their way. Grasping Lisi's uninjured side he tugged her towards him as the two knuckleheads continued their race. The students would've plowed into her either way without a second thought.

"Idiots," Kid muttered, shaking his head. Something warm pressed against his cheek, the skin heating from the contact before it pulled away. His head turned down, finding an embarrassed Lisi.

"Sorry... But I just wanted to say thanks. Even if it took you a little long to react out on the field."

"It was so beautiful," he spoke in a depressed manner. Lisi rolled her eyes, beginning to pull away before Kid returned the gesture. "But it doesn't matter as long as you're okay." 

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