I've Got You [Fang] for Rebekah

18 1 0

Name: Holly

Power: Healing

Age: 17

Race: Avian


"Ow, ow, ow," Holly groaned. Pulling herself free from the tangle of branches, a hiss escaped her lips at the pain that shot through the back. Glancing over she noticed the right wing had been broken, seeing the bone sticking clear out of the skin. "Lovely."

"Holly!" She looked up, seeing Fang pass overhead.

"Down here!"

Landing on the upper branches and tucking in his wings, he swung down to her level. He winced, seeing the break. "That doesn't look good."

"No, duh. Can you help me get out of here before the wing heals wrong and I have to re-break the bone?"

He nodded, pulling away the pieces of wood and untangling each limb before moving to the wings. "This is going to hurt."

"Just talk to me so I'm distracted. Where's the rest of the flock?"

"They went on ahead to throw the Erasers off our tail. That way I could circle around and come back for you." Holly yelped when he accidentally moved the feathers the wrong way. "Sorry, sorry. You're not shot, are you?"

"No, just clipped by the underbelly of the helicopter."

The branch holding her weight snapped, the girl falling towards the ground. But Fang shot after her, wrapping an arm around her waist before using his wings to slow their descent. "I've got it," he said when they landed. Pulling out the injured wing, Holly gritted her teeth through the pain, as the bones were realigned, feeling the wound begin to heal.

"Did you see any clearings where we could lift off?"

"Five miles from here."

"Oof, that's a hike."

Fang tested the area, pinching the skin and seeing no reaction from the Avian. Moving the wing up and down it was smooth with no fault in the bend. "We better get started then."

Holly tucked in her wings, nodding. He gave her a small smirk before kissing the side of her head. "You'll be fine. The hike will go faster than you think."

"That's what you always say... I just hope the others managed to crash their ride."

Fang chuckled. "So do I."

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