Into The Darkness [Pitch] for Lass Samantha Beilschmidt

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The night was dark, cold, as a chill swept through the air causing Carrie to pull the jacket tightly around her. Walking under streetlights, the teen's eyes looked around to be sure she was not followed. Finally, she stopped in the park, crawling under the play set. Even though the ground was hard she attempted to get comfortable. Something lit up the sky, causing her to glance up. However, it could only be seen by those who believed. Sand, that rained down from the clouds and slipped in through the doors and windows of every home that bore a child to help them sleep. The Sandman. She knew him quite well, seeing as that he was the one to help her sleep every night in the one place she hated.

This time Carrie was growing drowsy on her own. Though something tickled her cheek, the girl swatting it away. Only it came back moments later and this time, the hand passed through something. "You really should not close your eyes," a voice spoke up. "You may never wake up."

"Maybe that's for the better," she said. Her eyes opened, adjusting to the surroundings.

"My, my, so you can hear me. And sense my fearlings?"


He materialized out of the darkness, bending down so he could see her under the structure. His golden eyes examined the human carefully before noticing the swelling around a cheek. "Where did you get that?"

"Does it matter?"

"Possibly. But what are you doing out here so late at night?"

"I'm not a child."

He chuckled. "No, no you are not. Fifteen-"


"My apologies. Though still for a girl it is not wise to be alone."

"It's better than where I'm from."

"Hmm..." A fearling appeared at his side, eyeing the girl before carefully moving forward. It sniffed at her hands before snorting, backing out and neighing lightly. "How long has it been since you could feel your hands?"

They were completely bare, the sleeves just reaching the wrists. "I can't remember." She got a good look at him. "Who are you?"

He smirked. "If you tell me how you got that bruise and where you came from, I'll tell you who I am."

"Why do you care?"

"You do not fear the dark. Many do. And you are also able to wave off my fearlings with a mere touch."

"It was my adoptive family. They aren't the best parents in the world, but it's better than the orphanage, I guess."

"Then why do you go back for more?"

"When I turn eighteen I don't plan on ever looking back."

"Then where will you go?"


"Why is it that they hurt you?"

"I'd like to know that myself."

He held out a hand. "My name is Pitch. Pitch Black."

"The Boogieman."

"So you have heard of me?"

"Who hasn't from childhood stories?"

"And what would your name be?"

"Carrie." Slowly, she placed her hand in his. He pulled her out, standing the teen upright.

"It is very nice to meet you. Now I must ask do you have anywhere to stay the night?"

"Right here."

The man chuckled. "That is not what I meant. A place you will not freeze to death?"


"Then would you care to come with me?"

"I have to be back by morning."

"You have my word I will return you there safely. Shall we?" She nodded.


A loud knock came from the door, jolting Carrie out of her sleep. "Get up, you worthless girl! You have chores to do!" Blinking the sleep away the girl realized she was in her room. Though she distinctly remembered falling asleep in Pitch's lair under the surface. It seemed the man carried through with his promise.

"It's about time," the woman in the kitchen snapped. Carrie glanced at her from the stairs. "Well carry on, and you better be back within the hour or else."

Looking at the list and pocketing the money the teen realized she would have to run.


It was a week before Carrie showed up at the park again, having been locked up in the house either in the basement or the attic. They didn't want her running away again. Which was why after this beating she pretended to be unconscious, and they were sloppy leaving the door unlocked. It was pointless really, the reason for this punishment.

"I was wondering if you forgot," Pitch spoke up from behind.

"I knew you weren't a dream. And how could I? You were the first thing to distract me from my reality in years." The man moved around the swing, however, his demeanor changed upon seeing her appearance in the moonlight.

"What happened?"

"I would like to know."

His eyes hardened. "Carrie."

An eye was bruising, dried blood clotting under her nose, and the skin around her chin had busted open. "Their reasons were stupid as always. They just do it because it satisfies them."

He reached to touch her arm, the teen moving away and wincing. "They attacked your whole body?"

"A majority of it. I snuck out when they passed out drunk on the couch." A bell rang in the distance, sounding what time it was. "Finally."

Pitch cocked a brow. "Finally?"

She looked up at him. "It's my birthday."

"And what do you plan to do?"

"Never look back."

The man held out his hand. "Would you like to come with me then?"

Carrie didn't hesitate. "Yes."

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