She Wolf [Paul Lahote] for Chelsa

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Inspiration: She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) ft. Sia by David Guetta


The tundra. A vast plain with little human life where only a few have the courage to explore and venture further in, as the air grows colder, ground frozen. The hunters dare using their dogs and sleds equipped in gear to brave the harsh elements and track prey.

The clouds hung low creating a fog while snow fell dusting the grass. A wolf ran across the landscape golden eyes scanning the area. Her senses were on full alert, ears swishing back and forth. Blood was matted in the fur having dried as the wounds had long since healed.

Something was catching up moving swiftly through the tundra. But it wasn't a normal hunter. The stench filled the wolf's nose, a low growl forming in its throat. They did not slow as it came from the right. Having predicted the movement the wolf lunged tumbling through the snow with the creature that tried to wrap its arms around the body. Catching the neck in its jaw the mammal pulled and with a sickening snap the stone hard head came off. The form instantly fell limp, while the wolf carelessly tossed the head aside wishing there was a fire to rid of the contents. But there was not enough time as their pace picked up heading towards the rocky hills.

Weeks began to pass with little rest. There were plenty of beheadings as the wolf pressed on. Slowly the tundra began to transform into mountains, grasslands, and forest. The animal moved through many territories though had yet to come in contact with any of her kind. She did not wait around for them to find her either, being an Omega. They could view the intruder as a threat depending on their nature.

The forest was lush as a mist hung in the air, clouds overcasting the sky. This helped the mammal hydrate in the many streams that ran towards the ocean. Her ears flicked hearing the crashing of the waves on the coast in the distance and smelling the familiar scent of a pack through the salt in the wind. However, another filled her nose, emitting a snarl and the calm jog picked up its pace into a full sprint. Jaw snapping the wolf watched the black blurs move through the trees, but also staying mindful of the path before her.

The monster dropped down from the branches, the wolf quickly moving to the left before catching them in her mouth. Her razor sharp teeth ripped through the torso, leaving the severed lumps behind. The blurs shrieked in outrage at their fallen comrade, rushing in from both side. One of them managed to grip a hind leg, jerking their arm back. The wolf yelped in pain stumbling and pulled free. She ran on three legs waiting for the limb to heal, not giving into her pursuers. Batting away the creatures she felt the bones finally align and shot forward. But there was another problem. The fatigue was beginning to set in from lack of food and sleep. Weak. Vulnerable. "Hello, sweetheart." Her step faltered for a split second and the monster made its move from behind.

A roar ripped through the air as a silver wolf came flying around a tree, launching its body over her and clashing with the enemy. The pack was not far behind, ripping into the coven. She glanced over a shoulder, but refused to stop, pushing forward and leaving the fight behind. Though relief rushed through her at the sight of the tormentor being ripped open.

The wolves did not let up until every bloodsucker had been caught and killed. They agreed to light a bonfire to dispose of the bodies, some rushing off to inform the nearby coven what had happened. What of the one they were chasing? the Alpha asked.

She ran off.

I've got her.

The silver wolf followed her scent, moving towards the cliff. Once catching up he slowed, walking out of the forest towards the rocks. He easily spotted the female, who had stopped pacing the moment he made himself known. Her legs were shaking, trying to hold her body up as the silver wolf's eyes scanned over the dried blood on the coat. Just what exactly had happened to make the vampires chase after a werewolf?

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