Part 9: The Ex

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Zoey narrates.

A few days have passed since Aaron and I had our first date. Honestly, it was the best date I've ever been on. Until, obviously, all truths came out at the end. I was so upset, and had been crying in my room most days. Aaron had texted me several times, but of course, I didn't reply.

It's the evening, and I am about to begin on my third breakup movie of the day, when the girls burst into my bedroom.

'Zoey! You have got to get out of this funk! It's not good for you!' Says Jazz.

'Yeah, we have planned a special girl's night at a new club out of town, and it's gonna be so much fun!' Says Ana.

'I don't know guys. I really don't feel like I'm a fun person right now.' I say, solemnly.

'Girl, we know.' Sky says.

I laugh.

'Come on, Zoey! It'll be fun! Please!' Nomi pleads with me, and I really don't have the energy to resist, since I know they're gonna make me go regardless.

I finally get up and get dressed, to head out with the girls.


This new club is cool. It has a different vibe to Titanium. The girls and I grab a table, and I'm kind of already feeling better. Maybe all I needed was a night out to get my mind off of Aaron. Nope. Still on my mind.

'Okay guys, since I've been in such a grump recently, drinks are on me.' I say.

I go to the bar to pay for the drinks, and resting my elbow on the counter, I accidentally spill some guys drink.

'Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I can't believe I just did that!' I say, as I grab some napkins and start wiping the counter.

'Hey, it's okay...'

I look up to see who it is, so I can apologise again, and to my surprise, and his, it's someone I never thought I'd see again.



'Zoey?!' He says, shocked.

'What the hell dude? What are you doing here?' I say, as we lean in for a friendly hug.

'Well if it isn't the curly headed cup bitch! I'm just chilling with some dudes, what are you doing in this part of town?' He asks.

I laugh.

'I'm here with the girls. We heard this new club opened up and wanted to check it out.' I reply.

He smiles.

'It's so good to see you!' I say.

'Yeah, how have you been? What's been going on?'

So I spend some more time catching up with Cash. It's so nice to see him again, and refreshing how much he's changed since the drama at Cal U.

'You know this is such a coincidence. Since I'm off of training at the moment, I was thinking to take a couple classes at Cal U. Just so I'm keeping options open.' He says.

'Oh yeah, that sounds cool.' I reply.

'I'd need a tutor again, though. Just a couple sessions to get me up to speed. If you're up to it?'

I think about it for a moment. Cash is an ex. I'm technically involved with Aaron, though we aren't really talking. How would he feel?

'Yeah, no that sounds great. Of course I'll help you out!' I say.

There's no reason why I can't help Cash, as a friend. Our relationship ended on good terms, and honestly helping out another friend is exactly what I need to get my mind off of Aaron. He's not my boyfriend. He can't dictate who I talk to.

'Cool, so I'll text you when I'm on campus so we can arrange something?' He asks.

'Yeah, for sure!'


A few days later, Cash arrives on campus. He texts me to ask to meet up for some Math tutoring, so we arrange to meet at the communal seating arrangements outside.

As I arrive, he greets me with a smile and a hug.

'Ready for some math?' I say.

We work for a couple hours. As we decide to take a break, Cash leans in closer to show me some clips from his latest basketball games. I'm proud of how far he's come. As I laugh at one of the clips, I'm surprised when I hear someone say my name.


Its Aaron.

He seems confused.

'Oh wow. Hey bro!' Cash says, as he gets up to shake his hand.

'What's good?' He asks.

Aaron responds, annoyed, all whilst never taking his eyes off of me.

'Yeah...yeah I'm good. Zoey? What are you doing here?' Aaron asks.

Cash returns to sit beside me, as I reply.

'Oh, nothing. Cash is taking a few extra classes at Cal U, so I offered to help him catch up on the content.' I say, casually.

'You haven't responded to my texts.' He says.

I honestly didn't think Aaron would be this straightforward, it's surprising.

'Yeah, sorry, I've just been busy.' I say, brushing it off.

'Obviously not busy enough to link with your ex.' He says, walking off.

That little comment hurt. It's not like Aaron to intentionally hurt me with his words.

'Can I ask what that was about?' Says Cash.

I explain the situation to Cash.

'It sounds like he really likes you.' Cash says.

'I know, and I really like him too. I just don't know if I can get past this whole broken trust issue.' I reply.

'Look, Zoey. Our relationship didn't work out because we didn't trust one another. I don't think you should make the same mistake we did. You and Aaron have such a strong friendship and foundation, that I think you'd be able to work through the trust issues. Just, you know, try harder.' Says Cash.

Maybe Cash is right. Maybe I just need to take a chance.

'Thank you. It means a lot to me that we can be friends again.' I say.

'Anytime for my curly headed cup bitch,' He says, as we both erupt into laughter.


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