Part 16: I Still Have Feelings

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Zoey narrates.

I'm so confused. Aaron's standing with Rochelle. That Rochelle. You know, the one Aaron cheated on. With me? Who even let her into my welcome home party? I give Aaron a little sarcastic wave, as Ana gestures me to stop making a face. I can't help it!

After I talk to the girls about my summer, whilst the boys and, ugh, Rochelle chill in the kitchen, I can see Aaron taking small glances at me from over there.

'Okay guys, side note, what is going on?' I say, pointing towards Aaron.

'Zoey. Please, don't flip out and get angry. When Aaron finished his internship at your dads, he spent the rest of the summer with Rochelle.' Jazz says, cautiously.

'What?! That cheating, lying mother-...' I stop, and calm myself down.

'You know what, I'm good. I'm actually so good. It's fine.' I say, smiling.

'We kinda hung out with her too. She's nice, I guess.' Ana adds, wearily.

'Great. Glad you guys had a great time without me.' I lie.

'I'm gonna go unpack.' I say, walking off annoyed. I stop halfway, as Aaron looks at me, and our eyes meet. It's hurtful. I take a deep breath, and walk on up to my room.

As I'm unpacking my suitcase, throwing the clothes around, annoyed, Aaron comes in to my room.

'What do you want, Aaron?' I say, not looking at him, as I continue, now purposely slamming my belongings down.

'I just wanted to say hey, and ask how your summer was.' He says.

I smile, sarcastically.

'My summer. My summer was great! And uh, I can see yours was good too, my dad said you really enjoyed the internship, which is good, because I won't be calling in a favour for you again and I see you've made up with Rochelle! I really hope you stay faithful to her this time.' I say, all in one breath, as I struggle to move my next heavy suitcase onto the bed.

'Are you mad?' He asks.

'Mad? Me? Hah, no. Why would I be mad?' I say, my sarcastic laugh, slowly turning into a cry.

Aaron comes over and tries to help me, and I look up at him, when he's only a couple inches away from him. Every part of me just wants to embrace him in a kiss. But we're not together anymore, so I quickly snap back to reality. I push past him.

'I'm fine. I don't need your help.' I say.

'Zoey, come on. What's wrong?' He says, hopelessly.

I turn around to look at him.

'Are you freaking kidding me? Aaron. I waited for you, all summer. And now I show up and see that you had no intentions of waiting for me too?.' I start to cry, but quickly wipe the tears. I'm angry.

'So much for two people finding their way back together, huh. I get it. I hurt you by leaving. But, I don't know some crazy part of me thought I'd come back home and everything would get back to normal. You and I would get back to normal.' I say, sadly.

He tries to intercept, but I continue.

'It's like, you lose the one person in the world who meant everything to you. And that person doesn't feel the same.' I say, as he listens in silence, looking down.

'I Just...I don't want to see you right now, Aaron.' I say, as he goes to argue, but decides against it and leaves.


I sit with my head in my hands, confused. After a few minutes, Luca knocks on the door.

'Hey.' I say.

He comes and sits beside me.

'Jillian and I broke up.' He says, sighing.

'What?! Why? You guys were so good together?' I say, shocked.

'Just...difference of opinion. We're good though. Like you don't have to stop talking to her.' He says, as I laugh.

'Good, because you can't dictate what I do, anyways.' I say, as he laughs too.

'You and Aaron good?' He asks.

'Not at all. Luca, I waited for him all summer, and didn't hook up with anyone, which by the way, there were a lot of options. I knew things were gonna be different, but I didn't think he'd be hooking up with someone else. And Rochelle for that matter.' I say.

'It's like, how do you go from claiming you love someone, with every fibre of your being, to then just forgetting about them.' I add. There's a long pause, as I wait for him to reply.

'You don't.' He says, looking down.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I mean, I know first hand that you don't just stop loving someone.' He says.

I'm confused.

'Jillian and I broke up because she thinks I still have feelings for you.' He says, as he looks at me softly.

My eyes widen, in surprise.

'Do you...' I say.

'I haven't been able to get you out of my head all summer, kid.' He says.

Luca still has feelings for me? I really was not expecting this, and it could not have come at more worst time.

'Luca...I...' He stops me from talking, as he leans in and places a kiss on my cheek.

'Just...think about it. Think about us.' He says, before leaving.

What the hell is happening?!


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