Part 17: Bad Bitch Vibes?

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Zoey narrates.

So, that night, I decided to talk to my girls about what had happened with Luca.

'Zoey, we just want to say sorry, again, if we ever made you feel like we were replacing you with Rochelle.' Ana says, as she rests her head on my shoulder.

'Yeah, Zoey. You could never be replaced. You're the best!' Nomi adds.

I smile.

'Thanks guys...but on to a more pressing matter.' I say, as they listen intently.

'So after I spoke to Aaron this afternoon, Luca came to me and told me that he and Jillian had broken up.' I say.

'Yeah, it was pretty early on in the summer. Jillian seems cool about, though.' Jazz replies.

'Which confuses me because....Luca told me he still has feelings for me...' I say, as the girls gasp.

'No way!' Says Ana.

'How do you feel about it? Does Aaron know?' Jazz asks.

'No, god no. I'd hate for Aaron to find out. I don't know how to feel.' I say, defeated.

' you still love him?' Asks Nomi.

'I mean yeah, of course, as a best friend. We went through so much together, when we were dating, and then still managed to stay friends. I don't hate him, and yeah, I love a friend?' I say, questioningly.

'So, what are you gonna do?' Skye asks.

'It's funny. Usually if I had a situation like this, especially when it came to anything Luca related, I'd always go to Aaron for advice...' I say, smiling.

'So why don't you?' Skys says.

'Tell Aaron, my ex boyfriend, that Luca, my other ex boyfriend, has feelings for me?' I say, shocked.

'I don't think Aaron has gotten over you, Zoey. He still loves you. I know it.' Ana says.

'Yeah, and I think if you tell Aaron, his dumb ass might realise that he's tripping. Honestly Zoey what do you think Rochelle is?! A rebound! Some distraction so he can make you jealous. He obviously doesn't know how else to get your attention.' Sky says, shaking her head.

We continue chatting for the rest of the evening, before the girls start to filter upstairs for bed, and I'm left sitting alone, wondering whether what Sky said is true. And also wondering what to say to Luca.


The next morning, I wake up feeling refreshed, and honestly, like a bad bitch. I decided I was going to go and tell Aaron what happened with Luca. You know, for advice...

I walk over to Hawkins and knock on Aaron's door.
He opens, surprised.

'Zoey?' He looks confused.

'Hey. Can I come in?' I ask, trying to act as normal as possible. I don't want to get emotional in front of Aaron anymore. He's not my boyfriend.

'Sure.' He says, gesturing me to enter. I walk in and stand in the centre of the room.

'So, what can I do for you?' He asks.

'I've come to you, as a friend. I just want to ask for some advice.' I say.

He smiles.

'Go ahead.' He replies.

'So, you know that Luca and Jillian broke up, right?' I say, cautiously.

'Yeah, I heard.'

'Um...and last night...' I stop. Just then, Rochelle enters Aaron's dorm.

'Oh...hey, am I interrupting?' She says, giving me a faint smile.

'Sorry, it's just the movie starts in half an hour, Aaron.' She adds.

'No! No, its fine...' I say.

'Zoey, we can go somewhere else to talk, if it's important?' Aaron says, a small sense of urgency in his eyes.

I think for a quick moment.

'No, no! You guys should leave. I uh have to go...' I say, awkwardly as I quickly leave.

So much for the bad bitch vibes.


I return home, defeated.

'Hey, Zo, you okay?' Ana says, as I sit down.

'I totally freaked out. I went to tell Aaron about Luca, but...I just couldn't. I can't do that to him. I know how it'll make him feel. I don't want to hurt him, just because he hurt me.' I say, sadly.

Ana nods.

'So what are you gonna tell Luca?' She asks.

'Honestly? Regardless of how Luca feels, I'm not ready for another relationship or to get involved with anyone else. Even though it seems like Aaron's feelings have changed, I don't think mine will. At least not for a long time.' I say.

'You should tell Luca. He's one of your best friends. He'll understand.' Ana says.


I arrange to meet Luca somewhere quiet, later that evening, on campus. I just want to tell him how I feel.

He's waiting for me there, as I walk towards him.

'Hey.' I say, with an awkward wave.

'Hey. Did you think about what I said?' He asks, getting straight to the point.

I take a deep breath.

'I did, and I don't want to hurt you but...' I start to talk, but he stops me, as he leans in close and kisses my lips. I'm shocked. I don't reciprocate, but I don't pull away either.

When he finally stops, he stays only a few inches away from my face.

'Wow...' I say, confused. I then hear a familiar voice, and turn around.


It's Aaron.

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