Part 38: That Night

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Zoey narrates.

The next morning, I head downstairs, deciding that I need advice from my girls.

'Zoey! How was the date last night?' Jazz asks, as I sit down, with my head on the kitchen counter.

'Awful.' I reply.

'What do you mean, Zo?' Ana asks, as she comes over to me and rubs my shoulders.

'Well, I mean it was going great. We were getting along really well...apart from when he mentioned wanting to settle down and start a family in his future...' I start, as Sky interrupts.

'Is that all?' She asks.

'No, Sky. But I think it bothered me because he was talking about things know...I'd planned out already. With...Aaron.' I say, sadly.

'But anyways. We got home...and then we started making out.' I add, as the girls squeal in excitement for the details.

'We went upstairs...things were getting pretty hot and heavy...and then that's it.' I say.

'That's it? What do you mean that's it? You had sex and that's it?' Nomi asks, impatiently.

'No. We didn't have sex. That was it.' I say.

'Oh. You didn't feel like it?' Sky asks.

'No...I stopped him because...okay don't judge...I just couldn't stop thinking about Aaron. All night. As soon as he mentioned the family stuff it reminded me of what Aaron and I were about to have together. And then...okay the other night it was Aaron in my room who left so late.' I say, all in one breath, as they gasp.

'Zoey! Oh my god!' Ana says, as I frown, in shame.

'So what was he doing in your room that late?' Nomi asks, confused.

'Isn't it obvious?' Sky says.

'I slept with him.' I confess.

They all go silent, thinking about how to advise me.

'Zoey, I think you've been going around in circles with Aaron for too long now. It's like one minute he wants you, but you decide you can't trust him and then you decide you want to be with him, but he doesn't want to be with're both just hurting yourselves.' Nomi says.

'I think Nomi's right. How many more times are you and Aaron going to break up and make up, you know?' Sky adds.

'You're not wrong...' I say, but Ana cuts me off.

'No! Zoey and Aaron are meant to be. Maybe this is just your way of fighting what you're both too scared to admit. You both love each other. You've been through so much together. You're like...endgame?' Ana says, excitedly.

'I don't know what to do.' I say, helplessly.

'You're all making valid points, but...I don't know...I think I need to talk to Marcus though, after last night.' I add.

'Whatever you decide, Zoey, just make sure it's what you want. Follow your heart.' Jazz says, leaving me in thought.


The next day, I'm sitting outside on campus, scrolling through my phone.

'Hey.' I hear.

I look up and see Marcus, who sits at the table opposite me.

'Oh, hey.' I reply.

'How are you?' He asks.

'I'm okay. How are you?' I ask.

'I'm alright.' He says.

This small talk is excruciating!

'Look, Marcus, about the other night I...' I start to speak, and he cuts me off.

'Zoey, it's okay. Honestly. If you're not ready to let go of your past then that's okay, and I should respect that. But if you're also ready to move on then...' He shrugs, and I smile.

He holds my hand, which is placed on the table.

'I like you, Zoey.' He says.

'I like you too, Marcus. But I think we should take things slow. Get to know each other a bit more, you know?' I reply.

He smiles and nods.

'I'd really like that.' He says.

We spend some more time chatting and laughing together, before I receive an unexpected text.

It's from Aaron.

'Can we meet? It's important.' It reads.

'Hey...i've got to go. I'll see you in class tomorrow?' I say, giving Marcus a quick hug, before leaving.


I walk over to Hawkins and arrive at Aaron's dorm. I knock on the door and he opens it, gesturing me to come in, as I give him an awkward, kind of annoyed, smile.

'Hey.' He says, closing the door and facing me.

'What do you want, Aaron?' I ask.

'I just...wanted to apologise. For intruding the other night, before your date. I didn't mean to make things awkward, and it wasn't my place. So, I'm sorry.' He says, much to my surprise.

My face softens.

'It's okay. It is what it is.' I reply.

'I's just hard seeing you with someone else. And, obviously I know I chose this. But it doesn't make it hurt any less, you know?' He says, which makes me feel awful.

'But you deserve to be happy.' He adds, with a smile.

'Thank you.' I say.

We stare at each other for a while, my heart beating fast.

It's like, when I'm around him, I can't control myself. All I want to do is embrace him, and kiss him deeply.

So that's exactly what I do.


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