Part 25: Nightmare

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Zoey narrates.

'I'm pregnant.' I say, standing in the doorway, as Aaron's eyes widen in shock.

'Are you sure?' He asks.

I roll my eyes.

'Positive.' I say.

'Wow...uhh....' He scratches his head.

'Is it mine?' He says.

I glare at him.

'Are you serious? I don't cheat.' I say, upset.

'You don't have to be involved. I haven't decided if I'm keeping it yet. I need to talk to my parents. You can go now.' I add, gesturing him to leave.

My tears have calmed. I'm annoyed now.

'Zoey, come on. I didn't mean for you to see that, I...' I interrupt him.

'How many girls have you been sleeping with since I've been gone?' I ask, nonchalantly.

He's shocked.

'None, Zoey.' He replies, confused.

'Don't lie to me, Aaron.' I say, angrily.

'With all due respect, Zoey, you said I could.' He says, cautiously.

'Okay, you know what, let's just make this official. Aaron, I'm done. I'm breaking up with you . Unless, you've already broken up with me, but forgot to mention it. You should go now.' I say, rolling my eyes, though inside it pains me.

'Zoey, I know you're just mad right now, and not thinking straight. Just listen to me.' He starts to speak, but I cut him off.

'God, Aaron! Would you just leave me alone?! I have too much to think about right now, and you're not helping!' I shout.

There's an awkward silence for a few seconds.

'Fine. But you can't make this decision on your own, Zoey. It's also my decision to make. I'll see you tomorrow.' He says, before leaving, sadly.

I quickly close the door, and fall to the ground, the tears coming back, as I see the girls standing on the stairs momentarily, before running over to embrace me with support.


The next morning, I have a pounding headache, though feel more refreshed. Rubbing my head, I sit up and check my phone, to see several missed calls from my mom and dad. I sigh, and am about to get up from bed, when I hear a knock on the door.

'Come in.' I say, and to my surprise, it's Aaron, holding a tray of breakfast.

'Hey.' He says, casually.

'What are you doing here?' I ask, annoyed.

He places the tray on the bedside table, before kneeling on the floor beside where I'm sitting on the bed. He takes my hands in his, and this time, I don't stop him.

'Zoey, look at me.' He says.

I turn to face him, my eyes watering, when I see him. How does the dynamic between two people who are so in love just change so quickly. One minute he's telling you that you mean everything, and the next it's like you can't even look at him.

'I'm sorry. I really am. And not just for last night, but for not being there for you. When you found out.' He says, sadly.

'You hurt me.' I reply, sniffing.

He looks down.

'I'm sorry.' He says.

'Aaron, I think I want to keep the baby.' I say, as he looks up at me.

'Okay. If that's what you want.' He says.

'Is that what you want?' I ask.

'I want you to be happy. And I want to be there for you. It's my child too.' He says.

His Child. What the hell? I'm having a baby?

He leans in to kiss me, but I flinch and move my head.

'No, sorry, Aaron, I can't do this.' I say, as he moves back, defeated.

'If we're going to do this, then it's amicably. As...friends.' I say, wearily.

He smiles, faintly.

'Sure.' He says, though holding his arms out in a gesture for a hug.

I smile, weakly, and reciprocate, embracing him in a hug, my chin resting on his shoulder. I breathe out, feeling a wave of relief and safety in his arms, though I pull away quickly before it gets any further.

'Do you want to eat now?' He says, smiling as he helps prop me up against the headboard and brings the tray to me, and I smile, appreciating his gesture.


After talking for a while, Aaron and I head downstairs, and as we do, my mouth gapes in shock, when I see my parents, Dre and Bow, standing there, my dad's arms crossed angrily.

'Oh my god!' I say.

'Mom, dad? What are you doing here?' I say, shocked, as my mom, though straight faced, hugs me when I walk over to her, but my dad remains cold.

'What the hell is going on?' He says, loudly, making me jump slightly, as he looks at Aaron, and my mom holds me tight.

This is my worst nightmare.


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