Part 27: Friends

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Zoey narrates.

Aaron stops in his tracks when he sees Luca.

Oh god. I'd forgotten these two aren't really getting along at the moment...since that time Luca said he still had feelings for me?

'Hey, dude. What's up?' Aaron says to my surprise, as he comes into the kitchen and places two bags on the counter.

Luca goes to shake his hand, and they do a little 'bro' hug. I guess things have changed since I've been gone.

'We just came to congratulate you guys.' Jillian says to Aaron.

'And if you need anything, at all, let us know.' Luca adds.

I smile, thankfully.

'What's all this?' I ask Aaron, peeking into his bags.

'Just...stuff. For you.' He says.

I look inside, and see Aaron has brought all of my favourite snacks and drinks, along with...maternity clothes?

I pull out this baggy grey dress.

'Aaron, seriously?' I say, confused, as Luca and Jillian laugh.

'I don't know...i thought you might want some comfortable clothes. Instead of wearing those tight leather skirts...' He says, looking me up and down, weirdly.

'Well thank you, for the gesture...but I will not be wearing this.' I say, putting the dress in the bag.

'But I will be eating these cookies!' I say, with an eager smile. The cravings are real.


Later that day, I chill at home, whilst everyone else is on campus. I'm flicking through every movie on Netflix, bored out of my mind, when I receive a text from Aaron.

'Just finished class. Meet me for coffee?' It reads.

I'll do anything to kill this boredom.

I head over to the campus cafe, and look around for Aaron. He spots me and heads over, taking my hand, and leading me to his table, before pulling out my chair, as I sit.

'Hey.' I say.

'How are you?' He asks.

'Good.' I say, with a faint smile.

'I ordered your favourite.' He says, pushing a mug toward me.

'Oooh. Thank you.' I say, taking a sip.

'And not just for the coffee. But for all the stuff you brought me this morning, which should last a lifetime, but probably won't because I can not stop eating.' I say, rubbing my little bump.

'You're showing.' He says, smiling.

I smile back, looking down at my bump.

'Yeah...I guess I am.' I say.

'It's the least I could do. You know...I feel like...I need to make it up to you.' He says.

'Make what up?' I ask, confused, as I take another sip of my drink.

'Just...everything.' He says, sadly.

He reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.

' know I would never intentionally hurt you. What happened...and what you saw that night was a mistake. A really big mistake. Which I promise you, would never have gotten any further...' He says, as I interrupt.

'Aaron, just stop. Please?' I say, sadly.

'I think we're in a really good place right now, as friends. And I don't want to ruin it, or discuss...the past, you know? I want to move forward, and I want this experience to be special, and memorable.' I say, as he nods, still holding my hand.

'I love you, Zoey.' He says, staring into my eyes.

'I know.' I reply.


Aaron drops me home later, before leaving for another class. I go to the kitchen to make myself some food, when the girls join me.

'So, Zoey, the next Cal U ball is coming up, and we'd really, really love for you to style us. If you want, of course!' Ana says.

'Oh wow! I'd love to!' I reply, excitedly.

'Are you going to join us?' Jazz asks.

' I don't know...I'm still off for the rest of the semester...' I say, wearily.

'You're still a Titan! You should come! It'll be fun.' Nomi pleads.

'I feel like everyone's just going to stare at me. You know, the pregnant lady? Doesn't feel great.' I say, sadly.

'Oh come on, Zoey! You're like the hottest pregnant woman in the game right now.' Sky says.

I look down at my body.

'Hmmm...I'll think about it. In the mean time, let's get started on these outfits!' I say, as we continue chatting excitedly and I enjoy the rest of the afternoon with my girls.

My best friends.

Grown ish: Zoey and Aaron's Story (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now