04 - Morning Talk

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"Gulf... wake up" Mew caressed Gulf's hair softly and smiles at his husband. "Gulf, wake up it's already 10am"

"Hmmm! Let me sleep" Gulf irritatingly replied with a hoarse voice. He then continued to stare at his husband for a while. Is he really my husband now?

Just as he was about to give shower kisses to Gulf, he heard a ringtone that was set for his father.


"YOU BASTARD! WHY DID YOU MARRY SOMEONE WITHOUT TELLING US!?" His father shouted to the phone. Seriously, he could smell his father's mouth from here.

"Dad, you don't have to shout. I can hear you from here"

"YOU IDIOT! THAT'S WHY I'M SHOUTING! I HOPE YOUR EARS BLEED!" He removed the cellphone far away from his ear but still, to no avail, he heard his father's annoying voice.

"Dad, shut up. My husband in sleeping right now. He could wake up from your duck voice"


"Why did you call, Dad? Just to yell at me?" He sarcastically said while looking at his hsuband. Ever so sleeping peacefully.

"Come out of the room so he won't here us" he got up on his knees and went out.


"Mew, just what were you thinking? Okay, I don't care about his gender. I also thought about surrogacy when I first heard this. But marrying someone who went to jail? Are you mental?"

"Dad, it was proven that he's not guilty. He was just accused" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Even so, Mew. Our image will be ruined if this gets out. You don't even know him! And, Gin's parents wouldn't be happy about it"

"Dad, do you hear your self? Do you have short term memory loss? Gin stole the most important file in my company. She almost ruined my business! My career! And look, you told me to marry whoever I like. His past is his past. There's nothing we could change. And no matter what happens..... I love him"

"What a big speech, young man" his father heaved a sigh. "If that's what you want. But first, fix the media. Someone recorded you proposing that guy in the streets. By the way, are you crazy? Proposing to someone in the middle of the streets?"

"I fell for him at first sight, father" he reasoned out.

"You must be crazy, Mew" his father chuckled yet he stopped when he heard his son reply.

"I remember you told me that you met mom in the seaside. You also proposed to her the day after you met her"


"I guess I have the same love story. Have you visited mom in the hospital? She said that you rarely visit her"

"What!? I visited her everyday, retarded son!"

"Not from me, Dad. Mom told me that. Just asking—"

"Phi!" He turned around and heard his husband's voice.

"What's that?" His father asked.

"Dad, I gotta hung up. He's already awake"

"Wait, wait!—" before the old man could continue, Mew hung up and went inside the bedroom and saw a frustrated Gulf on the bed.

"Phi!!! Why didn't you wake me up!? I'm late for school now!" He slapped hia face and tried to get himself out of his sleepy state.

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