31 - I Miss You

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Triple update!? Anyway, this would be short. Maybe 700+ words only?

"I don't think there's much to talk to,
Mr. Dominic" Mew turned his back on him. Weirdly, Gulf noticed the sarcasm in his husband's voice. But later on, subsided it because of the silence.

He gathered the courage to speak, even though his throat is dry. Do you know the feeling when you're standing in front of the principal because you've done something bad? Then the fear of being criticized and scolded bangs your head. You keep telling yourself what you did wrong repeatedly, inside your head.

"I... I think we do, don't we?" his heart started palpitating once Mew tilted his head and looked at him. More like glared at him.

The CEO scoffed sarcastically, his breath burns the skin under his nose. Gulf was blinded by fear that he didn't notice the change of his expression, even though he's observing the man in front of him. As I said, he was lost. Lost inside his nightmare.

"Why do you think so? We do not know each other much, Mr. Dominic" Mew arch his left eyebrow and smirked at the latter.

Funny how the two of them throw questions without answering each other.

As much as Gulf wanted to run after Mew, give him the warmest, tightest hug. A hug that would swallow the pain of being left, and leaving the person he loved deeply, he secured himself. He doesn't want to freak Mew out with his sudden actions. Rather, he wants to give him a change of heart. He didn't want to propose because that would cause awkwardness

Barely keeping up with his words, he managed to say what he wants to say. Even though he struggled to get it out of his mouth.

"I miss you" The words that came out left him the bittersweet taste.

Silence surrounded them again. It's like a mass in the church. Soon enough, Mew laughed at his statement. It stunned Gulf but he couldn't show it. "What's there to miss? Me?"

"Yes," He abruptly replied as soon as he finished his sentence. Mew was also shocked at his response.

"You know, before you, there's a lot of people telling me that they miss me. They tell me disgusting words. They flirt at me as if I would fall for their schemes. I know I'm rich but never in a million years, I would seduce a lady to multiply my fortune. 3 years after my incident, I thought, do I sleep around before? Ha! I laughed at the thought of it. That would be absurd. I'm a man of my words and I know I would be loyal and devoted to someone I love. Then, you came. Right after you come in, I know there's something wrong-"

"Do you remember me?" Desperate was the tone he used. He didn't regret using it because of the reaction on Mew's face.

"Remember? What's there to remember? I don't remember anyone in my past life, not even my parents. But when I see them, I know that we're related. I look like them so why not? Mild... He's the usual person I wouldn't trust when it comes to secrets and problems. He would be a good counselor when you ask for advice but he will also be the person who would blabber his mouth. He approached me first so I guess he's also a friend. My business, it's hard at first, but I managed. I used my skills to earn the trust of the board of directors. I don't want to remember the past because I know that I must have a reason why I got in an accident. So I don't want to know. Things are better left unspoken. So tell me, why do you miss me?"

"I... Can't say it"

"You can't say it? Then why should you say you miss me when you can't even tell me the reason to. You're being unreasonable"

The word 'unreasonable' kept repeating inside his head. Why? Why can't he say it out? Why is he scared? Why doesn't he remember him?


Why did he leave him?

"I don't know"

"Then leave"

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