34 - Sibling's Bond

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2 weeks later,

Gulf is fine and doing well now. The good news is, the commercial ended and is inaugurating soon. Billboards of him were plastered that you could see it from afar when driving. Lenard kept him inside his house because of the trauma that might trigger him. He tried all means to calm him down. But when Gulf saw Mew the other time, he nearly leaped at him. But Mew merely gave him the cold shoulder. He didn't speak to him but just conveyed a sharp and quick glance.

It saddened Gulf to the point that something almost happened. Something that would ruin his life and career. However, Lenard was there, and Cassie, to stop what he was about to do. Although she didn't know what came to pass, she proceeded to comfort his older brother.

Now, they're driving by the sea. Lenard advised her to take Gulf on a car ride because he like the breeze. In reality, Gulf doesn't enjoy it but it gave him comfort. The warm temperature fit perfectly when the cold wind blew. Cassie noticed that Gulf didn't like the sea because they did, once, went to a nearby resort. But Gulf didn't even swim nor came out of the inn. So she knows that Gulf disliked the sea, but someone else did.

She took a peek at his brother whose hair is standing because of the breeze that slaps his face. "Phi, do you want to stop by and get some fresh air?" His sister suggested. It somehow made Gulf feel glad of some sort, captivated, perhaps.

When they stop by the sea, the two sat down on the warm white sand. The sound of the water that splashes on the sand rendered that was music to Gulf's ears. He puttered the sand while staring at the yellow-orange sun that's about to set. The refinement of the big star that reflected on the sea thrilled him. His heart felt ecstatic because of the memories Mew and Gulf propelled.

The silence wasn't awkward, it was quite peaceful and steady.

"Phi..." His younger sister turned at his brother who's watching the sunset with awe. "Do you regret it?"

Gulf hummed as a question. "Coming back?... I don't think so"

"Can I ask you a question?" Cassie laid her head on his brother's shoulders. Since he didn't respond, she took the lead to speak. "Why did you come back?"

Gulf knows that she would ask this billion-dollar question. But he didn't know it would be today.

Uncertain, he still managed to answer even though it was a secret to the world. But he couldn't keep a secret to his only family. "I guess it was because I thought I was ready"

"Ready for what?"

"Ready to finally face my problems" It confused Cassie but she soon understood what it inferred.

"Why did you run away?"

There was a subtle silence that surrounded them again. He was finding the answer. But just by thinking of Mew, he could answer 10 thousand possibilities and reasons why he did. "Because I was petrified...

You think that... your brother is dominant, so tough when in fact, he's not. He's so vulnerable and fragile...

When mom died, I also felt like passing. I was fretting for so long. I grieved for her death multiple times I can't remember how much. Dad didn't care for me for some certain reason that I never get to know of. We were happy for years not until she had a disease.

Then, later on, after months of her death, I learned about his affair with your mother"

"I'm... sorry" The latter apologized. She felt so awful for ruining his brother's happiness. She seized the life that was supposed to be his.

"No. Don't apologize, Cas. I don't condemn you for his doings. I'm happy that you existed. Because you're the only one who cared for me in that household" He rubbed Cassie's head to ensure her. Not one part of his heart accuses her of anything that had happened.

"But when I left... I got nothing. No parents. No friends. None.

But the only thing I'm thankful for is that aunty and uncle paid for my expenses and apartment. Not until they died, though. But it's still a huge help for me since I get to reach college. Then Sazha came to pass. It destroyed my life that I was disdained and hated by everyone. I was so disappointed in myself that I had to cover my mistakes so people would accept me. I defended my name but it wasn't enough. I was so hopeless to have someone that I gave up. My passion is to become famous and act but I guess modeling is the right thing for me. It helped me when I needed the money to pay for my tuition.

Then Mew happened. My not-so-beautiful tragedy. But it still was beautiful. For 7 months of happiness, it became my motivation. I loved him before but I still do today. He fell first but I fell harder.

I guess I left because I didn't want him to see me miserable. I didn't even get to say goodbye or I love you. I fled because I want to be powerful like him so I wouldn't have to be so damaged if I came back. Then, maybe if I left I would forget Mew but it was tougher back there. I can't tell you how but I escaped. I arrived through, to face my one big problem but gaining power and resilience there wasn't the thing to use to protect my feelings here. My emotions are stronger than my security so I couldn't. I had to run away again.

But I never choose to evacuate. Because I'm going to have to start all over like the last time. I have to start believing that I can and have to get over him, that I can not love him because it's all done"

"Phi, if you want to get over it then you should face it. Don't let time wait because waiting is useless. You have to do something. I'm not saying this because you have to but I'm saying this because I care and love you. As a sister, a friend, and a companion. Phi, you're not alone. I'm here with you"

"Thank you, Cassie. Thank you for everything"

The latter smirked upon hearing Gulf's genuine reply. "Your welcome. That's what siblings are for, right? Whatever decisions you make, I'm here to support you"

Gulf hummed. The two continued to watch the sunset until darkness eluded the sky and the cold breeze only cooled more. When getting back inside the car, Gulf's phone rang.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Gulf? Sorry if I'm bothering you. This is Kayce"

"O-oh. Did something happened?"

"I just... have to tell you that Mew... Mew's memories came back. A long time ago"

He felt a pang of pain that strike his heart. It thumped so hard that he had to clutch and rub it to ease the pain. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"I-I... what?" His voice cracked, he couldn't utter any words or it would have to be a whisper.

"I just knew 2 weeks ago and I can't help but say it. You have to come inside his mansion and talk to him! He's a maniac right now! I'm going to leave the key under the plant that looks incredibly bizarre. Talk to him or he would kill himself from fatigue. Mew didn't sleep for 3 days straight and I didn't even know how he can do that. He's not a doctor for Christ's sake! Come back here, Gulf. Mew needs you"

"What did you say!?"

"I told you to come here and talk to him so he would get some sleep! Go!"

His phone got cut when Kayce called off. Gulf was still in complete shock from the information he got.

"Cassie, let's turn back"

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