08 - His Friends

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⚜⚜⚜Gulf POV⚜⚜⚜

"Gulf, are you okay naa?" He asked me while caressing my back. We went home after those conversation in his office. It's a little awkward when we got home but he broke the ice when he asked if I want to go somewhere.

"Phi, stop touching me. You're driving. What if we got in an accident, asshole?" I annoyingly replied and moved his hand away from my face.

"Phi cares for you. You cried so much and I hate seeing you in that state. How I wish I can just make you laugh all the time" he sighed sarcastically. What does he want now?

"Stop sulking. I was the one crying and now you're sulking like a big baby. Where are we going anyway?" I asked while looking at the rear mirror.

"Meeting my friends" I looked at him like I saw a ghost. "What?"

"Yo-your friends?" I stuttered. Who wouldn't when you just met your in-laws and now his friends? I mean, I guess it's more okay than his parents but still.

"Why are you so scared? They're nice people, Gulf. They don't bite. But good thing, I adviced them to go to their doctors if their brains still is working properly"

"H-huh? Do they have brain damage?"  I seriosuly asked but this asshole is laughing and crying so hard. Okay, I don't mind him laughing and I love his laugh but I hate that he's laughing when I'm being serious here.

"G-Gulf.... HAHAHAHA! WHAT THE FUCK! HAHAHAHAHA! I'm just kidding! Hahahaha!" He continuously laughed. I rolled my eyes and creased my eye brows. "Okay, okay. I'll stop... hahaha! Haa~ okay. I was just joking. I didn't think you would take it seriously. I meant that they rattle their mouths without thinking twice"

"Like Mild" I blurted out. Why? It's true though. It's kind of weird that he feels so comfortable with me when we just met earlier but in a good way.

"Who's Mild?" He turned serious all of a sudden. Now, who's the jelly in the sea?

"Just a new friend of mine. He's like a talking toy. Annoying but in a good way. Why? Are you jealous?"

"Yes. I am so jealous" he hurriedly answered. It actually made my heart flutter. What? Who wouldn't?

"Phi is jealous of my new friend. Don't worry, we wouldn't be together like you imagine. I wouldn't cheat on you with him"

"You better not"

"Pfft! You're looking like a duck. Anyway, he's just a dorky guy. He's also weird but I kind of like his weirdness. It's making me close to him. We're like childhood friends. Talking without filter"

"I'm starting to feel a little mad about this Mild guy"

"Don't because I don't want to see you mad. It's only our first week and now you're jealous and mad about someone else"

"On second thought, you're right. I shouldn't be mad at our first week together"

"That's the spirit! Now, are we there yet? I'm kind of hungry since you didn't cook dinner for us"

"I told you that we're near the place. Just a moment"

"You're said that 4 times already. You said that you'll pamper me and what's this?"

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