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Gulf woke up feeling groggy, his eyes swelling, and his head that felt like a thousand pans knock him. He glanced at his phone and started at the time.

9:18 am...

He stood up sluggishly. Gulf cried last night with a burden in his heart. He didn't know why he lashed out at Mew. All the stress that is growing in his body is left once he departed the mansion. When he tried to remember what his husband said, he only realized that he was in the wrong. Now, he doesn't have the strength to go to his school and pass his requirements. He already emailed his thesis to his professor and he just handed Mild the calculus he worked on.

Last night, he slept at 4 in the morning because that's the only time where he is free to do whatever he wanted and he just slept while crying.

Ting! Ting!

He heard his phone beeped. He looked at it, hoping it would be his husband asking for him but he only received a text from an unknown number. Looking at the message, he recognized the number of who it is. He decided to not reply since he doesn't even want to take to that man.

But after seconds of that message, a call was invited. He looked at the caller's ID and the same number was shown. He declined the call and was about to stand up when his phone rang again.




He declined the calls that kept on ringing. And for the final call, he hastily took his phone and answered.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS IT!?" The latter yelled. His veins popping out, all hands are tight. He doesn't have the time to argue with anyone but he can't help but start it. Gulf is not always cranky in the morning unless there's a conflict prior.

"Gulf..." He heard a familiar baritone voice. His grip softened, and his face started to sweat. His eyes are beginning to water from the mixed feelings occurring inside him. He wanted to take all his bottled feelings and apologize but it was like he never had a mouth to speak.

"P-Phi!" He whispered. He stood up, with speed. 

"Gulf, let's have our wedding next week" The man behind the line replied, with no emotion attached. Gulf hitched his breath as he tries to recall what he said. "I'm not asking for permission but I'm just informing you. I hope uou come... If you don't, then our marriage--" He turned off the call. In the last sentence, he couldn't even imagine what great impact could happen once Mew finished his sentence.

He had thought of it before, yet he can't comprehend to even think what he would be without Mew. It would take a couple of years for him to get back. Financially, it hasn't crossed his mind that he needs Mew because of the older's ridiculous wealth. But emotionally, he would be like a chick among the roosters. His fear of being alone, came back. Before Mew, he was okay being alone. No one to sleep with, to eat with, nor to talk to about his feelings and what he's hiding. But now, when he thinks about it, his anxiety rises. Depression acting up. And his insomnia grows.

"Gulf!" He heard his friend call for him. He walked towards the door. Once he opened it, he was welcomed by the lingering scent of the warm and tasty smell of chicken and spicy soup. He saw Mild smiled in a genuine manner and he, too, smiled back.

"So... are you okay now?" Mild asked while eating a chicken piece. Gulf stopped halfway when he asked. 

Gulf scoffed, "Didn't you told me you aren't the type of person to ask private things?" Mild scoffed. 

The man pursed his lips, then turned to him. "Gulf, this isn't just personal things. You highly need a therapist" He half-joked.


"Okay, okay, I"ll stop. You know, you should be considered lucky because of Phi's presence. He could've picked someone petite, prettier, whiter, richer, skinnier, beautiful-er? And much more intelligent person than your ass but he still picked you"

Feeling defeated on what he said, he turned serious. "Are you trying to make me feel better?"

"I'm just saying that you should sometimes appreciate the things he's done for you. In a relationship, there should be a "Give and Take" kind of thing. You know, you always find a wrong in the person who you have. Their flaws are what makes them a person, Gulf. Why'd you have to lash out like that?"

"Phi... called you?"

Mild hummed. "You know what he said? He was still excited even if you said all that. I asked what happened he just said everything calmly like it wasn't even a big deal! He said: "It's only a matter of time when we reconcile. I just want to give him space for a while and then, we can have our wedding like what he wanted"

Gulf hung his head down. Now, another burden fell unto him. He feels that he's the bad guy.

"Why is it only that I am always the one in the wrong?" He blurted out. Now, Mild kept silent. "When he kissed his ex, it ached a lot but why do you keep helping him?"

"Gulf, if Sazha ever kissed you, how would you react?" He inquired.

He glared at Mild. He couldn't even imagine kissing Sazha ever again and he just say that calmly. "What? Is that even a question? I would push her away"


"What are you implying, Mild?"

"Of course for Sazha, it would be different because you two don't go on the same path when you guys broke up. But for Mew, it would also be different. The dude's ex just dumped him months before. He may feel he loves you more, but he still has some feelings for her, Gulf. It doesn't go away overnight or a week. He may feel as if, he wants to test himself. But now, he changed his attitude. He regretted it because he knew, he loves you. His feelings for her is mere friendship. Mew even planned your wedding, Gulf! If you realize it, he improved. He's not supposedly the cold CEO anymore. He doesn't spy on you, he gives you time, pleasure, and attention. At first I kind of hated him. I even sent him a 'fuck you GIF'. But I understanded him when he explained. He just wants you to feel loved not because he pities you but loves you. No one had made you feel like that but you could've reacted in different ways. I get that you're stressed but that's not a reason to get angry and act vulgar"

Gulf sighed. It's true what Mild said. Even though now, he feels very guilty, he still has some doubts. It hurts for Gulf when he doesn't even know how to feel. It's as if, yesterday, Mew was cuddling with him and saying sweet words. 

"So... what now?"

"I'm saying, ask him out on a date before your wedding and say sorry! That's it and you're back at it again" Mild clapped his hands.

"What if... he refuse?" He asked, still has sokme doubts.

"Ai'Gulf, just go and ask him. It won't hurt to ask him on a date, would it?" He rolled his eyes at his friend. Gulf, who never ask Mew on a date, felt a little embarassed. He didn't know how to approach Mew but he has to.

"But don't you have class this afternoon? You didn't attend morning and I think you should now. You don't want to miss a class just because you're depressed. Didn't you want to get a PhD?"

"Mild, are you dumb or plain stupid?" The man, rolled his eyes again.

"Just come to class or not. You only have to choices"

"I'll go but after eating"

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