10 - First Fight

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A/N: Since some of you guys want to see MG playing riding and running, right? Well here it is! I just wanna add some little bit of problem here and there because some wise man said, without problems and risks, the relationship wouldn't grow.

⚜⚜⚜Mew POV⚜⚜⚜

I'm so happy because we finally arrived at the resort! For a 5 hour flight to Maldives, plus 2 hours for the ride to the resort, my little angel sleeps right next to me. Yeah, my little angel. You should be envying me because you don't have a Kanawut that's so cute.

"Phi? Are we already here?" He asked me in a hoarse tone while scratching his eyes. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Phi!!! I told you I don't like kisses when I just woke up. My breath stinks" he's like a teenage girl but better.

"Sorry, Love. Yup! We arrived! Welcome to Maldives!" I opened the door and let him see the magnificent view of the resort. There are only a few people here because VIP's are the only one's allowed.

"Woohoo!" He ran towards the sea but he kept his feet in the sand. "I'm really in Maldives? Wow!" He shouted in excitement. This is my first time seeing him all excited. I mean, he gets excited sometimes but this is just—ugh! Cute!

"Gulf, do you like it here?" I asked him while he looked at me and nodded like a little child.

"Phi, how much did this cost you?" He asked out of the blue.

"Um Gulf? I think you shouldn't ask that question. Just enjoy it"

"Oi Phi~ come on. Tell me! Tell me naa?" He acted all cute infront of me and seriously! How can he be so cute, hot, and sexy at the same time!?

"$100,000" I subsconsciously replied and the look on his face when I replied looks like he'd seen a live car crash.

"PHI! WHAT THE HECK!? $100,000!? HOW COULD YOU SPEND SO MUCH MONEY!?" Gosh! Even if he's furious, he looks so cute and fluffy!

"Gulf, relax. If there's one thing I would lose, it's definitely not money. I can take care of you for the rest of your life, just be my husband" I winked.

"Phi, am I your toy in display? I don't wanna stay home and do nothing. That would be so boring. What's the point of my degree when I can just ask you for money. I want to spend my own and not yours"

"What a wise man. Anyways, we shouldn't be talking about those things when the beach is right in front of us. Literally"

"You're right. But Phi, I wanna go sleep some more first. I'm still tired of all that ride. Let's do it later" he said while grabbing my hand. Well, who am I to decline?


I watch him sleep in just seconds on my shoulder. If you people are asking why am I holding back, it's just that there's this gap between us. Not that far not that near.

For me, I have no problem getting along with him. He's the most perfect significant other anyone could have. But I remember his look when I said that I fell for him at first sight. It was pure confusion, shock, and disgust.

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