35 - Don't Let Go

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My mother once told me that sometimes you just have to accept the fact that some people enter your life as temporary happiness. It may be for a brief amount of time, but at least you became happy.

So at that same time, your eyes crash-landed on me, I thought to myself, are you that temporary happiness? Because there are so many things that changed. 

Your eyes that were once mine no longer were.

You can't remember me so why do I have to push myself to you? Why do I have to wait for my Mew when he's already gone?

Why do I need to be desperate to have you back in my arms when I can replace you?


You're irreplaceable.

Your name is engraved in my heart. That's the sole purpose.

I love you.

Mew hear cold and slow steps from behind him. Even if he's emotionally and physically exhausted, he's an attentive and observant person and it never left his character. As he hung his head, he could notice the familiar scent of cinnamon. "Why are you here? To break me again? Sorry to ruin your plan but there's nothing to break since you already did 3 years ago" He started. Gulf's heart is already bruised but another wound is revealed.

No... I can't let my tears fall.

"Mew" The latter called but he's too deaf to hear it. He just can't understand what he did so wrong for him to be mad. Shouldn't he be the one who'll get mad? He's not the only one who do risks in this relationship.

"Mew, please? Please talk to me... I wanna talk to my husband" His voice was hoarse and low. It sounded so weak. The battle inside his heart never falters. It continued to break piece by piece.

Mew swiftly turned around and glared at him. Gulf 'y eyes widened when he noticed the dark circles and eye bags around Mew's face. But his glare was the one that cut through. As if he's indicating that his husband already died. That person was buried deep inside him.

But Gulf couldn't get it. He couldn't explain what those eyes intended. In reality, he did. But he noticed that there's another definition behind it. Something he never understood.

"Mew?" The older scoffed. There it is again. That mocking look. "I lost you, but I found me so I win"

"I don't understand... Please talk to me. I know you remember everything"

Getting sick of his presence, Mew snapped. "You left, right!? And now you're here-for what!? Huh? What!? Because you want to go back to the time when we go on dates!? Where we're carefree!? Why do you only remember it now!? Because you miss it!? You--"

"Don't think for even a second that you're not on my mind because every millisecond counts, Mew! I left you because you can't remember me! I had all of you before but none of you today. I'm also fucking suffering! You think you're the only one!? So tell me, Mew! Do you remember me!?"

"Yes! Yes, I fucking did! Because after I went home, all I could see is your picture! You! Your hair, your nose, your body, your lips... and your scent... And I was so sick of it!"


A cup of glass crashed on the floor. Liquor began to drain out of the crushed glass. As the broken pieces, that's what the two are. Broken. Shattered. Just a piece of a fragment that can never be placed together again. Because it already doled.

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