32 - Mew's Life For 3 Years

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"So? What happened?" Mild asked his best friend that looks gloomy. He's been waiting for Gulf for a long time already and he's scared that he might pee in his pants if he has to wait for another minute. His feet kept vibrating and the sound of it irritates Kayce. But Mew's secretary has to endure it since he's his Boss' Guest.

"Nothing... He just... Asked me to leave" The latter replied with a sullen face. He was on the verge of crying but he tried to let it in. His tears threatened to flow down and He tried to resist it but as soon as he stepped out of his office, his tears started to flow down his cheeks. There's no stopping it now.

"What!? For 9 minutes!? Seriously!?" He was fuming mad. Who wouldn't when they had the time of their life to discuss the matter of their love life!? And Gulf being shameful enough to show off his money to Mild would be as little as a mouse in front of Mew, why couldn't he say his reason why he left? Why he had to make him wait for 2 days when his sister was on the line of life and death.

"I couldn't, Mild... I couldn't... I was just so scared. I can't tell him because I'm terrified of letting him know I left him. I left him for 3 years and Mild, I'm still guilty of it. Just thinking of it is making me depressed and I—" Gulf couldn't finish his response when Mild pulled him in for a hug. Not like earlier when it's light and thankfulness. But this warmness was comfort for him. Even though it doesn't help as much, it still made him feel like there's a friend that's ready to listen.

"Shhh... I know that you tried. You also suffered and I also know it's a bad decision to leave but you already did and there's no stopping it now. Gulf, maybe what you need is space"

Gulf pulled away from Mild. "Space!? We've been away from each other thousands of miles, Mild! And you're saying we need space!? What are we, teens!? This is only resolved by talking!"

"Um, excuse me" The two best friend's conversation was interrupted when a male voice broke in.

"What is it? Can't you see we're busy talking, Kayce? Let me and my friend talk"

"W-well you seem to be quarreling inside our office. We demand you to leave first before it will cause an audience"



"Wait, wait, wait. What the fuck!?" The secretary's voice was too loud that everybody turned their heads to look at them.

Mild scolded Kayce because of his annoying remark. Earlier, Mild brought Kayce to help since he is Mew's second cousin and friend. They went to a coffee shop near the office and good thing they did because Mew might hear them.

"So you're telling me, you are Gulf Kanawut? Then you're married to Mew Suppasit Joncheveevat!? The owner of JCV Empire!? The—" his passage was cut off by Mild who covered his mouth.

"Shut up, you little shit! What if people hear you!?" The smaller scolded.

"Sorry, sorry. So! Are you?"

Reluctant to reply, he nodded his head. He couldn't stop it since it's true and he also wants to know what happened with Mew 3 years from now. Even though there's no assurance of his memories coming back, maybe. Just maybe, it can with the information Kayce will tell. Or will he?

"Wow! I never thought that you would marry someone like Mew! Well, I've been to France so I wouldn't know anything about him. I guess you wanna know about him?"

"Yes, please. What happened to him after 3 years? What changed?"

He first took a sip of his beverage. Thinking of telling him or not. "Well... Can I trust you?"

Gulf just rolled his eyes because of his audacity to even ask that. "Hm... Let's see... Did I come here through 2017? Yeah, I guess. It was around January since my father found me in France and demanded I go home and find a true job that will pay off my debt from gambling. So, when I came home, I was rushed to the hospital. There, all my relatives were sitting near a VIP hospital room. I came in and saw Mew with a bandage on his head. And then, I was surprised when he asked who I was. Uncle and Aunty told me that he was in a car accident that causes his amnesia. But I didn't know anything that happened to him because we weren't close when we were teens but before when we were lads, we are closer than Zee and Goy. So I asked where he was going and they were just silent. They didn't say anything. Then I saw this douche but he also didn't know a thing.

After that, he was locked inside his mansion with his parents and his family. We were shut out without knowing a thing. But I think it's best not to tell. After 3 months, he recovered and get back to work. That was the time when I applied for a position. I think what changed is that he became distant. I don't know what happened to him that he never comes out of his mansion and just stays there until a problem needs solving in the company. His sole reason to go out is because of that. In 3 years, he never departed out of the country nor went on a vacation. And you'll be surprised when you come inside his mansion. Expensive and luxurious liquors and preserved wine are stocked inside a big cabinet. I think every corner has alcohol but all you'll ever drink there is alcohol. Not merely water. But, he has water hehe"

"So... His life just surrounds liquor and work? For 3 years? Seriously?"

"Yeah! Oh! And he has a lot of pets. There's a cat, a dog, a hamster, and a bird. Lucy is my favorite pet that's why he brought her here for me to play. I always feed that cat, gosh!"

Nothing could ever make him feel better than knowing that 'Lucy' is a kitten.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" That was the question that bothers him the most.

"Nope! There's a lot of people who wanted to date him because, you know, he's loaded. Before you, there's this model who seduced him but she has a black eye from the accident. It was a funny scene for me. Oh! And there's this girl who came inside the building when no one knows she did. But it's a good thing I caught her because Mew is not there. I then knew her purpose and almost imprisoned her. But apart from that, he's just busy taking care of his pets and his business. I thought that JCV would crumble down and be bankrupt because of him not attending any signing events or partnership but I guess it all worked out in the end"

"Is he... happy?"

"Happy? Beyond that, Gulf. When he has a party all alone, oh you'll be seeing his most happy state. He dances and sings all alone. One time, I came inside unattended because of a paper he needed to sign. It's a good thing that his maid almost got inside a car but she gave me a key. Then I came inside and the whole house is light up with rainbows and such. It's like a party but everybody left. I saw Mew dancing on his own while holding a bottle of champagne. That was funny. He almost fired me lol"

"I guess so..."

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