29 - Bestfriends Again?

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The three sat on diverse chairs, a massive splash of awkwardness swam around them. It's like Mild realized that he has another 10 years of life period and he thought he was going to die tomorrow.

Even though Mild wanted to rant about how was life after Gulf left, only one word spat out of his mouth, "Explain"

"I have no explanation" He briefly responded. He still kept his head hung, like he did something wrong but not admitting it.

Mild rolled his eyes. He doesn't believe Gulf even for a small bit. "If you don't tell me the truth, I will call Mew and—"

"No!" He screeched. He isn't ready to glance Mew in the eye and confess to him that they had a past relationship, no. He just can't.

Mild creased his eyebrows then glared at Gulf who's sweating profusely. "Then tell me why did you leave? There's a justification and reason for everything that happened. If you want to quit because you feel worthless anymore, that's a reason! But not enough to ease the pain that we felt when you left! Do you know how awful I felt when I thought that you're dead!? I somehow felt guilty for not looking after you! And now, you come back, looking straight into my eyes like nothing happened!? Am I a joke to you!? Is this a prank!? Because I'm honestly not liking this. Then I see you, with a girl here, like you two have been dating ever since you left!"

Though the last statement bothered him, he didn't dare to correct him. He just feels mad at himself for not informing Mild. He's his friend and he should have told him. Everything he said is true.

He lowered his head. Gulf felt so stupid and guilty. But even though he felt regret, he didn't regret leaving. He regrets not telling Mew he loves him back. "I didn't mean to make you feel like that"

"Well you fucking did! So are you going to admit that you cheated on Mew!? With a youngster!?" Gulf almost peed himself from supressing his laughter.

"Sh-she's not my date" He tried not to grin but he failed a second later.

"Eh? Then who is she? Why did you buy her a lot of things, then?" The two burst out of laughter.

"She's my step-sister, Mild! You panini head!"

Their laughter increased once they saw the surprised look on his face. One thing for sure, they were going to die from laughing too much.


"Let me get this straight. You own a studio, you're a model now, been shown to bill boards and TV shows and I didn't get to hear all of your achievements!?"

The two told him everything that happened after 3 years od his absence in Thailand. His application, his fortune, his life in New York and other States. Apart from being so happy for his friend, jealousy piqued a little.

"You little shit! You should've told me everything about this before you came!" Mild sulked.

Gulf rolled his eyes. Even if he did, he knows that Mew would know where he is. Not that Mew would ask but someone will.

"P'Mild, please stop cursing P'Gulf. Even if he's in the wrong, he still has his reasons. He can't show up if he's in his vulnerable state. I understand him, Phi" He held his brother's hand. "And I may not know how to it feels to be left behind, but I can imagine how it would be for P'Gulf. Please understand"

"Even so, do you know how everything changed after you left?" That made Gulf's ears rose like a dog who heard a treat. He sat sternly and creased his eyebrows.

"Do you know what happened with..." He didn't want to say his name but he has to chant it.


The latter can't take his brother's bluffing anymore so he took the lead. "Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat. P'Gulf's husband"

Mild smirked upon hearing the Man's name. Gulf, too, anticipated Mild's reply.

"P'Mew? Well..." He took a sip from his tea before answering, "I don't know"

Gulf's face fell. He didn't expect this coming from his nosy friend. But he's determined to know about him. Even if he's in New York, he couldn't ask for info about his husband. It means going to his privacy which he has no control of. And he doesn't want to be labeled as 'Possessive'.

"It's true! It's because he and I don't talk anymore. He doesn't even know me! But, well, we catched up. But he said he doesn't want to talk about his past. We became friends, but I can't even ask about his personal life! I tried once when I asked his secretary but also he doesn't know. I heard that he usually stays at his mansion and never left unless if it's for emergency. If it's a meeting, he will just video call them or something. But leaving his house? Just maybe once every 2 months"

Gulf sighed. He felt bad for his husband which he shouldn't be. They didn't divorce but it sure does feel like it. 3 years. For 3 years, he regretted leaving without saying to Mew he loves him.

Everytime he wakes up, all he feels is the empty space beside him. He missed that warm smile on his lips that peppered kisses on his face. The cuddles they did every morning that made Gulf late to school. And at night, he missed Mew's warmth. His touch and his lips. He missed everything.

But he had to endure it.

Because he knows that he'll be back when he's strong. When he's built. When he can shadow his emotions. When he's not drowned with grief.

But how can he do that when he can't approach Mew?

"Mild" His friend looked up to him. "Can you help me?"

He arched his left eyebrow, then gave Gulf a skeptical gaze. "In what?"

"Getting the old Mew back"

Sorry peaches, it's short. But I guess wait for the next chapter?

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