15 - Begging You

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(AN: Okay, guys. Prepare for the tissues and this war. It will be hell for Mew and Gulf. This is kind of like part 2 because of the continuiation buy nevermind. I want to make you cry too so I'm going to try my hardest. But anyway, enjoy 🙂)

"Gulf, I..."

"Fuck you, Mew" His knees were almost falling. He had kept his body stern even though he knew something happened. His heart broked into million pieces when seeing that scene. His husband kissing his ex.

"Gulf!" Mew shouted as Gulf run away. It's not just his height that's great but his fast reflexes works too so he could run away from Mew.

As Gulf left in a taxi, Mew cowered on the ground. He can't believe himself. He made a huge mistake. He fucked up.

"AAAAARRRGHHHH!" He screamed his lungs out as the memory cmae rushing back. It was still vivid. Kissing his ex is one thing but being seen by your husband, no shit.

If only he could turn back time, he would have avoided Gin. Her gazes and her accidental touches.


"Gulf, where are you going?" Mew asked the boy who's packing his clothes. But his husband didn't replied. He walked closer and nervously held his husband's arms. But Gulf retracted his and continued packing. "Gulf, please... talk to me"

The boy stopped. He turned around to face Mew with his puffy eyes and wet face. Mew held his cheeks and caressed it. But the pain is too much to bear for Gulf. He started to throw light punches that Mew couldn't stop.

"You can hit me all you want, but please stay..." He started crying. Those 2 months of being together, it was the most happiest days he had. And he can't risk it for turning a blind eye.

"I was so gullible to believe that... you whole-heartedly love me" He said breathlessly. He kept all his tears from streaming down because he doesn't want them to see his vulnerable state. Yet he can't. He's not someone dominant and strong. He's just plain and weak.

"Please don't think like that. I love you so much. If I didn't, I wouldn't have taken you here and married you. You wouldn't have met my friends and my family"

"Those things meant nothing to me, Mew... if... your friends and your parents didn't liked me one bit, it's okay. Because I know that you love me and only me but... it's the other way around... they like me, but... you don't love me" His eyes widened.

"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He denied that statement. It pains him to know that Gulf thinks of him that way. His love for Gulf is genuine and true.

"Well then why did you let her kiss you, Mew? Why? Tell me a good reason and I'll believe you" But he kept quiet. He didn't say anything. "You can lie, Mew. It's okay. Just tell me..."

"I love you more than—"

"THAT'S BULLSHIT, MEW! THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THAT FUCKING OTHER PERSON!" He pointed his index finger at his chest. He's fuming mad but insude, he's hurt.

"Gulf... please... I beg you, don't leave me" He pleaded his husband. Gulf couldn't look at him in the face because when he does, that scene always comes back.

"I thought you wouldn't cheat. I thought you understood my pain. I told you everything that I had experienced. My pain and yours. Mew, I accepted it. Because people makes mistakes. We're humans that's not perfect. We're no Saint. But you knew it was coming! You knew it, Mew..."

"Gulf I married you because I love you" His voice cracked as he give that statement. All what he said is true. Gulf accepted him even though he did bad things. Even though he almost ruined that person.

"Mew, this is the consequence of flash marriage. This is the consequence of loving the same gender... we can't be together when the feelings aren't mutual"

"Gulf, I love you..."

"Mew, other girls can kiss you but Gin... that's Gin. Your ex. The one you loved deeply the most" Gulf held his feelings from enraging. "Feelings are unpredictable. Your love for her might come rushing back. Not like other girls, Mew"

"Gulf, I love you..." He said again. He can say it every second, every minute for Gulf to stay. For Gulf to know that he does love him.

"Our love is one beautiful illusion. You kept telling yourself that you love me but did you ever? Did you really love me?"

"Hun..." He got on his knees and locked his arms to Gulf's legs. "I will not see her again... I can cook for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner... I can always pick you up at school, massaging you when you're tired... and Gulf, I can do whatever you want me to" He whimpered. All the tears that was falling down on Mew's face is hot. It burns. And it hurts like hell.

Gulf crouched down and met Mew's eyes. Both were crying for deep reasons. Mew felt like his world grumbled and could break anytime. While the other felt like he's suffocating

"Mew, thank you for 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 6 hours, and 54 mintues of being together. If my love is not enough for you to be contented, then it's not my love that you're looking for, Mew"


"Let's take a rest"

(I don't know if I made you cry but I really want to make you cry but I think I didn't. Anyhow! Did you guys liked it? It was short but I hope you liked it. I kind of used some referrences to 'She's Dating the Gangster' and 'TharnType' cuz like— it fits! I listened to love songs to be really inspired and put a potion of sadness, an elixier of weakness, and a whole gallon of lava tears in today's chapter. I love tears! Taste like sodium)

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