37 - The Revelation

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The room is heavy. Not one speaks their minds. Awkwardness surrounds them. But because of the annoying silence, Lenard broke the block of ice.

"You... Have no idea what Gulf had gone through" Lenard said, with the obvious tone of resentment. He still doesn't like Mew, before and now. He just can't accept the fact that Gulf is being an idiot for a man. Yes, he had been in this situation before but he would never do any malicious thing to himself.

Mew hung his head down, sorrowness was eating him again. He kept asking himself, was it his fault that he left? Was it his fault that he got furious at him when he came back? Is it his fault that he still loved him?

"Can you guys stop being so awkward and tell each other what the damn fuck is happening because I'm also curious. What the hell happened to these two?" Kayce complained. The two glared at him for being so unaware of the two's uncomfortable setting. It's their first meeting.

"Okay! I'm just gonna... uh... Read some book! Ah-huh" Kayce awkwardly ran away. He made a muffled noise while walking out.

"So... What happened to Gulf?" Mew got to the point. It's so obvious that he still cared for Gulf, even if he denies it.

Lenard rolled his eyes and breathed deeply, preparing for the revelation.

"Where do you wanna start?"

"From the beginning. What he's gone through for 3 years of absence" Mew replied.

"Okay, then...

I met him when one of the headquarters called me. Then I met the manager Seo, he introduced me to Gulf. He was already a rising star that time, but I didn't give it a thought since I was mourning for my ex. I only got back to work because my grandmother pushed me to. When I met him, he and I clicked right away because we were both Thai. We could understand each other's language.

He was a very private and timid person. I can tell he has trust issues because even though we were kind of close, he never tells me what his past is. I can see it in his eyes that he withstood a very excruciating pain before. And as you remember, he did. Because you are one of it"

Yes, Mew was culpable.

"When I asked for the last time what really happened, he told me he about you. Your past relationship with him and I couldn't but to feel sorry for him. For the both of you. Gulf... Was a fraction of broken porcelain. However, he was still a beautiful mess. But a porcelain's refinement is never wholely appreciated by its owner once it shatters..."

It was true, Mew thought. Gulf, on the outside, seemed intimidating and decisive. But you can never illustrate a person if you never know their past. That was for the two of them.

Lenard sighed, "As time passes, I could see his growth and improvement. He gets to be a person who achieved incredible things. Gulf was known throughout the whole country for his gallery and for being a host in a popular talent show. And because of that, he was cast in several movies that gain his popularity. He met a lot of famous people and I could see the happiness that filled the void in his heart. Even for a short amount of time. I was like a proud father"

Mew felt a little envious of Lenard. He gets to see Gulf's genuine smile. His happiness. But, that was not the time to feel jealous. He felt somewhat relieved of it. Because even if he was gone, he still had been delighted.

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